# 45881
BROWN, Wellesley
A vaudeville actress in theatrical costume. Geelong, Victoria, circa 1905.
$55.00 AUD
Gelatin silver print photograph in cabinet card format, 165 x 107 mm; recto of mount imprinted ‘Wellesley Brown, Geelong’; verso blank; both the print and the mount are in very good condition.
An unidentified young woman dressed in seventeenth-century men’s costume.
In the very early 1900s the photographer, Wellesley Brown, operated the Lucton Studio in Camperdown in the Western District. He then ran his own studio in Geelong, but only very briefly, since a notice in the Horsham Times, 17 August 1905 signals his relocation to the Wimmera township: ‘Mr Wellesley Brown, photographer, of Geelong, announces that he has opened a photographic studio in Firebrace-street, Horsham, and will photograph children free of charge on the 22nd inst.’