# 46067


Between two worlds : Escher x Nendo

$150.00 AUD

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Melbourne, Victoria : National Gallery of Victoria, 2018. Quarto, boards in slipcase, a few light marks, pp. 325, illustrated. A very good second hand copy.

Originally released at the retail price of $49.95, this book won the Best Designed Fully-illustrated Book Under $50, and Designers’ Choice Book of the Year awards from the Australian Book Designers Association in 2019.

Escher X nendo | Between Two Worlds is the first publication to feature the extraordinary work of Dutch artist M. C. Escher in dialogue with the work of acclaimed Japanese design studio nendo. Featuring works from the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, The Hague, which holds the world’s largest Escher collection, this expansive book covers the full span of the artist’s career, from 1916 through to his final work, produced in 1969. Celebrated as a master of optical illusion, Escher created some of the most iconic images of the twentieth century. This unique artistic vision is traced through 160 prints and drawings and presented within a groundbreaking design experience by nendo. Nendo’s work transcends tradition: by manipulating geometry, space and perception its practice aligns with Escher’s vision and has distinct resonances with contemporary architecture and design.

Out of print and sought after.