# 25621


Canberra – four tourist brochures circa 1960

$35.00 AUD

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  1. Canberra. Points of interest. Canberra : A. J. Arthur, C’wealth Govt. Printer, May, 1957. Tourist brochure, narrow octavo, folding.
  2. Planning a national capital. Canberra : National Capital Development Commission, circa 1962. Tourist brochure, narrow octavo, folding.
  3. Canberra. Your capital. Canberra : Department of the Interior, circa 1960. Tourist brochure, narrow octavo, folding, illustrated in black and white.
  4. Canberra. Your capital [S.l : s.n.] : circa 1966. Tourist brochure, narrow octavo, folding, illustrated in black and white, map (stained and creased).

Mid-century tourism in the nation’s capital.

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