# 23400

LOVELL, David (editor)


$65.00 AUD

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Caulfield East, Vic. : Published by Cripac Press Pty. Ltd., vol. 1, no. 1, February 7, 1972 – vol. 1, no. 12, July 31, 1972 (but missing vol. 1, no. 9). Eleven issues, quarto, pictorial wrappers, staple bound, illustrated, all in fine condition.

An obscure Melbourne fortnightly periodical published between 1972 and 1973, Shalom examined current social topics (the new Global Village, the generation gap, Aboriginal welfare) and deeper philosophical ideas (utopias, freedom, warfare) from what was essentially a humanist perspective, although there are also articles on the Gospels and the history of the Church, and the writing is underpinned by Christian values. It appears that the articles were intended to stimulate classroom discussion.

Shalom is scarcely recorded in Australian collections. The National Library of Australia holds three issues of vol. 1 (nos 1; 9; 15) and two issues of vol. 12 (nos 1 ; 12); otherwise, this periodical is not recorded on Trove.