# 35506

[The Fanfrolico Press]

Fanfrolicana : June 1928

$75.00 AUD

: being a statement of the aims of the Fanfrolico Press both typographical and aesthetic with a complete bibliography and specimen passages and illustrations from the books. London : The Fanfrolico Press, 1928. Octavo, original wrappers, with illustration by Norman Lindsay (faint crease to fore edge), the standard edition, 36 pp, illustrated, including title page drawing, three plates and tailpiece by Norman Lindsay. Arnold C6.

A catalogue of publications of the Fanfrolico Press, which also contains a short publisher’s manifesto. In mid-1928 the Press, the result of a creative partnership forged between Sydney publishers John Kirtley and Jack Lindsay (son of Norman Lindsay), was based in London with Jack Lindsay as proprietor working alongside P.R. Stephensen. By the time the Press closed in 1930, it had published forty-six books with a distinctive design aesthetic, including numerous titles illustrated by Norman Lindsay.

An important catalogue relating to arguably the most significant of Australian fine publishing houses.