# 46228

HESSON, Angela

Hans and Nora Heysen : two generations of Australian Art

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Melbourne : National Gallery of Victoria, 2019. Quarto, boards in dustjacket, pp. xx; 155, illustrated. Fine copy.

Hans and Nora Heysen: Two Generations of Australian Art brings together the work of Hans Heysen and Nora Heysen, father-and-daughter artists whose work spanned more than a century. While Hans devoted his mature practice predominantly to the portrayal of the Australian landscape, Nora became renowned as a portraitist and painter of still life. This publication looks at the practices of both artists through striking and diverse images, and written contributions from a range of experts. Viewed together, the works of Hans and Nora Heysen offer profound insight into a loving and artistically generative relationship, and into the wider concerns of twentieth-century Australian art and society.