# 23436


Into Iraq

$450.00 AUD

[San Francisco : Art Hazelwood], 2010. Handmade artist’s book, boards with paper cover illustrated with a linocut, linocut title page, signed and editioned by the artist, 32 linocut illustrations (two are double page), a fine copy. Limited to 30 copies signed by the artist.

‘At the beginning of the Iraq war it seemed like a bad idea. At the end of George W. Bush’s final term in office it was a bad idea that had fossilized. This bound set of prints is the bookend to Art Hazelwood’s Hubris Corpulentus, a series of engravings done in the first year of the war. Into Iraq consists of small linocut prints each one more full of bile than the previous. The subjects range from the battlefield to the media, to the neocons and the Congressional enablers in Washington. Oil Flag, Patriotic Tune, Sacrifice of Liberty, The President in his Labyrinth are some of the titles.

These linocuts were all created in the last years of the Bush administration. In the last months of the Administration during the 2008 elections the whole series was exhibited in Oakland at the now defunct Front Gallery. At the end of the eight year run it seemed a good time for us to recall the path that led the country on its downward cycle. It is a good time lest we think he and his ilk have disappeared or worse that they have any good ideas at all.’ – artists statement

Hazelwood is one of the few artists creating artists books in response to modern conflict. His graphic imagery reflects the distaste many citizens felt when they learned another war was about to be unleashed in Iraq.