# 44838

VETTER, Konrad; FLIERL, Johann (ed.)

[NEW GUINEA; MISSIONS] Ein Tag in Simbang.

“Komm herűber und hilf uns!” Heft 1. Mitteilungen und Schilderungen aus der Arbeit der Neuendettelsauer Heidenmission in Deutsch-Neuguinea (Kaiser-Wilhelmsland). Neuendettelsau : Verlag des Missionshauses, 1917. Fourth edition. Octavo (220 x 140 mm), original pictorial wrappers (detached), 32 pp, illustrated with half-tone photographic plates; contents clean and sound.

A scarce pamphlet produced by the Neuendettelsauer Lutheran Mission in northeast New Guinea.

Trove locates no copies of this fourth edition in Australian collections. The third edition was printed in 1910; the 1917 date of the fourth edition is interesting considering that German New Guinea had been under Australian administration since late 1914.