# 3530

Sundström, Pehr W.

[NEW ZEALAND] Söderhavets pärla : skildringar från Nya Zeeland.

$220.00 AUD

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av Bill Shark (Pehr W. Sundström) ; med 56 illustrationer och 2 kartor. Stockholm : Eget Förlag 1925. Octavo, original textured green cloth with gilt lettering (a few ink marks to the edges of the front board), spine with gilt lettering (sunned), marbled endpapers, 190 pp (clean and sound), illustrated, map. Text in Swedish.

Written by a Swedish settler in New Zealand, this work contains several historical sketches (including accounts of the Boyd massacre and the Harriet affair), a commentary on Maori culture, reminiscences of the Taupo region in the 1880s, and a description of a trip around New Zealand in 1920.

A single copy recorded in Australian collections (State Library of New South Wales); three copies recorded in New Zealand collections (Alexander Turnbull Library; University of Otago Library; University of Auckland Library).