# 27438
KOCH, Peter; LEE, Dirk (illustrator)
$150.00 AUD
Berkley, CA : Editions Koch, 2010. Edition limited to 65 numbered and signed copie (this is copy no. 3). Narrow folio (340 mm), publisher’s grey paper wrappers with title paper overlaid, unpaginated, wood-engraved frontispiece by Dirk Lee, and a second engraving by the same artist on the last page; a presentation copy from the poet to Alan Loney; a fine inscribed copy.
“Nocturnes was printed in an edition of sixty-five copies at Peter Koch Printers by Monique Comacchio with the assistance of Jonathan Gerken. The poems were hand-set by Deborah Hsu and Jonathan Fetter-Vorm in sixteen point Garamond, cast long ago by the American Type Founders. The paper is vintage Amalfi by Cartiera Ferdinando Amatruda. The wood engraving is by Dirk Lee.” – Colophon