# 45996

MORGAN, Denise

ROAR re-viewed 30 years on

$75.00 AUD

with an introduction by Sasha Grishin. Melbourne : Macmillan, 2011. Quarto, cloth-covered boards with paste-down illustration, stitching exposed on spine with title (as issued), illustrated thoroughly throughout, text by Denise Morgan. The pink boards variant. A publication on the Melbourne Roar Studios and the artists who were its contigents. Sasha Grishin not only descirbed ROAR primarily as a cultural phenomenon, as well as an art movement in 1980s Melbourne and also the group of artists who were part of ROAR. Contains text on the artists and their works including Wayne Eager, Sarah Faulkner, Andrew Ferguson, Peter Ferguson, Pasquale Giardino, Karan Hayman, Ann Howie, David Larwill, Michael Nicholls, Jill Noble, Mark Schaller and Judi Singleton. A new copy.