# 45778
PARIS, Gaston; WAHLUND, Carl (trans.); LARSSON, Carl (illustrator)
Sagan om Rosen
$850.00 AUD
/ efter den af prof. Gaston Paris i Paris den 24 November 1893 till prof. Adolf Tobler’s i Berlin Silfverbröllop utgifna fornfranska dikten “le Conte de la Rose”, i originalets versmått öfversatt af Carl Wahlund. Illustrerad af Carl Larsson. Stockholm : Kung. Hofboktryckeriet, Iduns Tryckeri, 1899. Quarto (260 x 220 mm), in a contemporary deluxe binding by Gustaf Hedberg, Stockholm (his ticket to verso of front endpaper) of vellum over boards decorated with geometric borders in gilt, the upper board with a leather and gilt rose mounted at centre, spine lettered in gilt (light handling marks to both boards, spine a little darkened); gilt dentelles, all edges gilt, green silk endpapers; original front wrapper bound in, pp. [10], xliii, [1] [2 blank]; illustrated with 2 full-page colour plates by Carl Larsson, both with captioned tissue guards intact; text in Swedish; internally immaculate.
A sumptuous and beautifully conceived binding by Swedish court bookbinder Gustaf Helberg (1859-1920).
The book is Carl Wahlund’s 1899 Swedish translation of French philologist and medieval French literature scholar Gaston Paris’s 1893 reinterpretation of the Old French poem Le conte de la rose (The Romance of the Rose) – an episode from the fourteenth-century Roman de Perceforest which takes the form of an allegorical dream vision. Wahlund dedicates his translation, with its stunning illustrations by Carl Larsson, to Gaston Paris on his sixtieth birthday.