# 45920
FRY, George
Studio portrait of James Moorhouse, Anglican Bishop of Melbourne 1876-1886. London, circa 1876.
$60.00 AUD
Albumen print photograph, carte de visite format, 104 x 64 mm (mount); verso with imprint of ‘George Fry, Artist & Photographer. Opalotype Studio, 12 Lower Seymour St., Portman Square, W.’; the print has a couple of tiny ink marks near the top edge, but is otherwise in very good condition, as is the mount.
James Moorhouse (1826-1915) succeeded Charles Perry as Bishop of Melbourne. This portrait of him was probably taken just after his consecration in Westminster Abbey on 22 October 1876. Moorhouse was installed at St James’s Cathedral, William Street, Melbourne on 11 January 1877, and received a public reception at the Town Hall a few days later. He served as Bishop of Melbourne until his return to England in 1886.
See the ADB entry on Moorhouse by C. R. Badger