# 44690
SCOTT, Walter (1771-1832) [J. M. W. TURNER, Myles BIRKET FOSTER, John GILBERT, illustrators]
The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Complete in one volume.
$300.00 AUD
With all his introductions, notes, various readings, and notes by J. G. Lockhart, Esq. Illustrated by numerous engravings on steel and wood, after J. M. W. Turner, Birket Foster, & John Gilbert. Edinburgh : Adam and Charles Black, North Bridge, 1857. Thick royal octavo (250 x 175 mm), original red morocco richly gilt (fine); all edges gilt; engraved frontispiece, additional engraved title, title leaf, [1 Editor’s Notice], [1 blank]; pp. iv, [2], 823; binding firm, foxing to first and last few leaves and at the margins of most plates, otherwise internally clean and sound.