# 45103


William Bligh

$60.00 AUD

/ av Rolf Du Rietz. Åbo : Åbo Tidnings och Tryckeri, [1955?]. “Särtryck ur Finsk Tidskrift, H. 6, 1955” [=Reprinted from: Finsk Tidskrift, vol. 6 (1955)]. Octavo (210 x 145 mm), stapled wrappers, pp. 298-303; text in Swedish; at foot of text is written in blue pen (in the hand of Rolf Du Rietz) ‘Uppsala 1954’; a very good copy.

Provenance: Teddy and Ulla Brunius, Swedish academics and ethnographic collectors. (A number of Du Rietz’s other publications from the same source bore presentation inscriptions from Du Rietz).

Trove locates copies in four Australian libraries (SLNSW; SLSA; University of Adelaide Library; University of Melbourne Library).