# 46285
TROTSKY, Leon (1879-1940), et al.
Leon Trotsky : a group of ephemeral publications, 1930s-40s.
$650.00 AUD
I. Trotsky, Leon. Stalinism and Bolshevism : concerning the historical and theoretical roots of the Fourth International. New York : Pioneer Publishers, 1937. Octavo, original printed wrappers, stapled, 29, [1] pp; a fine copy.
II. Trotsky, Leon. In defense of the Soviet Union : a compilation 1927-1937. New York : Pioneer Publishers, 1937. Octavo, original printed wrappers, stapled, 40 pp; a fine copy.
III. Trotsky, Leon. Leon Sedoff : son, friend, fighter. Dedicated to the proletarian youth. New York : Young People’s Socialist League (Fourth Internationalists), 1938. Duodecimo, original illustrated wrappers, stapled, 31 pp; a fine copy.
IV. Trotsky, Leon. Trade unions in the epoch of imperialist decay. London : Workers’ International League, Fourth International, [1940]. ‘Special supplement to Workers International News. 4th impression’. Duodecimo, original printed wrappers (owner’s initials to front), stapled, 16 pp; a fine copy.
V. Trotsky, Leon. Their morals and ours. New York : Pioneer Publishers, 1942. Octavo, original printed wrappers, 48 pp; a fine copy.
VI. Trotsky, Leon. Germany : the key to the international situation. Cover: The background to the rise of Hitler and the responsiblity of the Labour and Stalinist leaders. Introduction by Ted Grant. London : Revolutionary Communist Party (British Section of the Fourth International), 1944. Duodecimo, original illustrated wrappers, stapled, 47, [1] pp; a fine copy.
VII. Trotsky, Leon. What is an insurrection. Trotsky’s speech delivered to the Czarist Court in 1906. Cover: Trotsky answers a vital question. Calcutta, India : Militant Club [B. Dutta], 1948. Octavo, original printed wrappers (a little sunned and chipped), stapled, 19, [1] pp; a very good copy.
VIII. Trotsky, Leon. The lesson of Spain : the last warning! Bombay, India : Spark Syndicate, 1948. ‘First Indian edition.’ Octavo, original printed wrappers, 37 pp; a fine copy.
IX. Goldman, Albert. The assassination of Leon Trotsky : the proofs of Stalin’s guilt. Seattle, Wash. : Pioneer Book Store, [1940]. Octavo, original printed wrappers, stapled, 74 pp; a fine copy.
X. Reissner, Larissa. Svyazhsk : an epic of the Russian Civil War, 1918. Cover: ‘Trotsky Memorial Publication’. Colombo, Ceylon : Bolshevik-Leninist Publication, 1948. Octavo, original illustrated wrappers, stapled, 18, [1] pp; a very good copy.
XI. [Preliminary Commission of Inquiry] Dewey, John et al. The case of Leon Trotsky : report of hearings on the charges made against him in the Moscow trials. New York : Harper & Brothers, 1937. Octavo, original printed wrappers, xix, 617 pp; a fine copy.