# 46154
[GUTENBERG BIBLE]. Noble Fragments : the maverick who broke up the world’s greatest book (signed copy)
Melbourne : Scribe Publications, 2024. Octavo, illustrated wrappers, pp. 304. New copy, signed by the author. ‘One hundred years ago, Gabriel Wells, a New York bookseller, committed a crime against history. He broke up the world’s greatest book, the Gutenberg Bible, and sold it off in individual pages. This is the story of an Australian …
# 45995
MANION, Margaret (1935 - 2024)
The Felton Illuminated Manuscripts in the National Gallery of Victoria
Melbourne, National Gallery Victoria / Macmillan, 2005. Quarto, boards in dustjacket, pp. 440, extensively illustrated. Fine copy of the hardback edition, as new. “This scholarly publication ‘The Felton illuminated manuscripts in the National Gallery of Victoria’ celebrates the Gallery’s small but distinguished collection of illuminated manuscripts and eloquently comments on the development of the handwritten …
# 45670
GUTENBERG, Johannes (ca. 1398-1468) (printer)
[INCUNABLE] A leaf from the Gutenberg Bible
[Mainz : Johannes Gutenberg, circa 1454-55]. Single folio leaf. 390 x 286 mm, printed on recto and verso, black gothic lettering of forty-two lines in double columns, large two-line initial letter rubricated in red; light foxing, ox head watermark clearly visible at the centre of the leaf, neat paper reinforcement along margin (probably from when …
# 38393
Primera y secunda parte de la historia general de las Indias
cõ todo el descubrimiento, y cosas notables que han acaescido donde que se ganaron hasta el año de 1551. Con la conquista de Mexico, y dela nueva España. Medina del Campo : Guillermo de Millis, 1553. Second edition.Two parts in one, folio (275 x 200 mm), contemporary vellum over boards, original ties partially intact, spine with early title …
# 45100
Pedro de la Cavallería; Martin Alfonso Vivaldo; Samuel Marochitanus
Tractatus zelus Christi contra Iudaeos, Sarracenos, & infideles,
ab illust. doct. Petro de la Cavalleria, Hispano ex civitate Caesaraugusta, anno 1450 … … Venice : apud Baretium de Baretijs, 1592. Two works in one volume, quarto (225 x 160 mm), contemporary panelled vellum stamped with the initials L V M; [68], 156; [8], 19 leaves; second work has separate title page: Aureus Rabbi Samuelis tractatus …
# 22302
Raymond of Sabunde (c.1385-1436)
Theologia naturalis sive Liber creatura[rum] specialiter de homine [et] de natura eius in qua[n]tum homo.
:[et] de his qu[a] sunt ei necessaria ad cognoscendu[m] seip[su]m [et] Deu[m] [et] om[n]e debitu[m] ad q[uo]d ho[mo] tenet[ur] et obligatur tam Deo q[uam] p[ro]ximo. Impressus Nurembergae : Per Anthoniu[m] koberger [sic] inibi co[n]cluem, 1502. Folio (290 x 210 mm), contemporary sheep over wooden boards (lacking clasps), elaborate blind-tooling to both boards, upper board including …
# 30144
MARCUS VITRUVIUS POLLIO; CESARIANO, Cesare Di Lorenzo (translator and artist) (Italian, 1483 - 1543)
Di Lucio Vitruvio Pollione De Architectura Libri Dece Traducti de Latino in Vulgare affigurati:
commentati: & con mirando ordine insigniti: per il quale facilmente potrai tovare la multitudine de lí abstrusi & reconditi Vocabuli a li soi loci & in epsa tabula con summo studio expositi & enucleati ad Immensa utilitate de ciascuno Studioso & benivolo di epsa opera. [Como, Lombardy] : Gotardus de Ponte, 1521. Folio (430 x 290 …
# 41321
[INCUNABLE] A bifolium from Bartolus’ Super prima parte Digesti novi
[Venice : Vindelinus de Spira, 1471]. First edition. Pair of conjoined leaves, each page measuring 441 x 298 mm printed double column in black ink recto and verso, 50 lines in Roman type with rubrication in red and blue inks, chapter headings in red ink in upper margin, foliation upper centre. A fine specimen with …
# 40263
Spine title: A history of Arabia. Oxford : At the Clarendon Press, 1922. First edition. Octavo (195 x 130 mm), publisher’s navy cloth over boards (very lightly marked) with gilt-lettered spine; pp. [vi], 139, with large folding map at rear; clean throughout; front pastedown with ticket of Jerusalem bookseller Ludwig Mayer, and front endpaper with …
# 40102
CICERO, M. Tullius (106-43 BCE)
[BINDING] M. Tullii Ciceronis Familiarum Epistolarum Libri XVI.
Cum Hubertini Crescentinatis, Martini Philetici, Iod. Badii Ascensii, Ioan. Baptistae Egnatii, & Pauli Manutii ab ipso proxime recognitis, emendatis, atq; auctis comentariis, & aliorum doctissimorum virorum, quorum nomina subscripsimus, annotationibus sparsim appositis, quibus difficillima quaeque Ciceronis loca explicantur, & mendosa corriguntur … Adiectis praeterea argumentis, & lemmatibus Giberti Longolii … … Venetiis : apud Johannem Mariam Bonellum, …
# 38592
[CAMBRIDGE BINDING]. Liber epistolarum beati Augustini episcopi Hipponensis ecclesiae
Paris : Badius Ascensius, 1515 (colophon). Folio, ff. [viii], CCLXII, [31] (lacking last blank); title-page within a large historiated woodcut border enclosing the printer’s device, many criblé initials throughout; a few minute pinhead wormholes scattered through the second part, a slightly larger one in quire f (not impairing legibility); in a contemporary Cambridge binding by …
# 30086
KRATZMANN, Gregory (editor)
Imagination, Books and Community in Medieval Europe
Papers of a Conference Held at the State Library of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia 28 March – 15 June 2008. Melbourne : Macmillan Art Publishing, 2010. Quarto, gilt-lettered quarter cloth over laminated pictorial boards, pp. 256, extensively illustrated. New copy of an out of print title. With extensive illustrated essays by Jeffrey Hamburger and Margaret Manion, …
# 19791
LOWRY, Martin
Venetian printing : Nicolas Jenson and the rise of the Roman letterform
Herning : Poul Kristensen, 1989. Folio, publisher’s stiff wrappers with gilt lettering, gilt to spine (slight wear), 104, [8] pp., with 8 coloured plates; three light water marks to front free endpaper, otherwise internally very clean, a good copy. One of 850 copies. Text in English and Danish. The two essays, from slightly differing viewpoints, both …