Captain Cook
# 46403
KERAUDREN, Pierre François (1769-1857?)
Mémoire sur les causes des maladies des marins et sur les soins à prendre pour conserver leur santé
dans les ports et à la mer. Half title: Médecine nautique. A Paris : de l’Imprimerie Royale, 1824. Second edition. Octavo, bound in modern cloth backed marbled boards, spine with gilt ornament and leather title label lettered in gilt, pp 115, [1] engraved diagram of a furnace ventilator; mild foxing to the last few leaves, …
# 45628
A miniature terrestrial globe, circa 1830, showing Cook’s third voyage.
[Nuremberg : Bauer family, circa 1830]. Miniature terrestrial globe, two-and-a-half inches in diameter, original outline hand colouring, metal pins, housed in card box, the label on the lid with an image of a cartographer (the lower part of the case reconstructed); a fine copy signed MPS (the Bauer family). A charming early nineteenth-century terrestrial globe …
# 45627
[BANKS, Joseph].
Captain Cook’s Florilegium
A selection of engravings from the drawings of plants collected by Joseph Banks and Daniel Solander on Captain Cook’s first voyage to the islands of the Pacific, with accounts of the voyage by Wilfrid Blunt and of the botanical explorations and prints by W.T. Stearn. London : Lion and Unicorn Press, 1973. Elephant folio (615 …
# 45076
[ULIMAROA] Daniel Djurbergs namn på Australien.
/ av Rolf Du Rietz. Stockholm : Bortzells, 1961. “Särtryck ur Ymer 1961, h. 2.” [=Reprinted from: Ymer, vol.2 (1961)]. Octavo (230 x 150 mm), printed wrappers (a little sunned), the upper wrapper with a presentation inscription by Du Rietz for Swedish academic and collector Teddy Brunius; pp. 81-100; text in Swedish, with a summary …
# 45154
Rules of the Polynesian Society
New Plymouth, NZ : Thomas Avery & Sons Limited, 1922. Third edition. Octavo, self-wrappers (lightly foxed, old fold lines), pp. 7; some spotting at margins, otherwise good.
# 45155
List of reprints from the Journal of the Polynesian Society, also of other available Maori publications.
Wellington, NZ : Polynesian Society, [1941]. Octavo, stapled wrappers (foxed, owner’s pencilled name and date ‘F. H. Molony May 1943’ to front, lower wrapper extensively annotated in pencil, paper splits at head and tail of spine); pp. 12, [2]; original owner’s marginalia, otherwise internally good. Dating based on one of the ‘New Publications’ advertised on …
# 45179
JOPPIEN, Rüdiger and SMITH, Bernard
The art of Captain Cook’s voyages (four volume set)
Volume one : The voyage of the Endeavour 1768 – 1771. With a descriptive catalogue of all the known drawings of peoples, places, artefacts and events and the original engravings associated with them. Melbourne : Oxford University Press, 1985 (reprint). Folio, cloth in dust jacket, pp. xv; 247, illustrated. Volume two : The voyage of …
# 44443
WHARTON, Captain W. J. L.
Captain Cook’s journal during his first voyage round the world made in H. M. Bark “Endeavour” 1768 – 71.
A literal transcription of the original MSS. With notes and introduction. Illustrated by maps and facsimiles. London : Elliot Stock, 1893. Large octavo, contemporary blue half calf over marbled papered boards (edges rubbed), spine in compartments, ruled in gilt, contrasting Morocco title label, lettered in gilt, pp. lvi; 400; maps and plates, lacking the three …
# 44130
RIGBY, Nigel et al.
Pioneers of the Pacific : voyages of exploration 1787 – 1810
Perth : University of Western Australia Press, 2005. Quarto, boards in illustrated dustjacket, pp. 144, illustrated, a fine copy. ‘Due to the dominance of Captain Cook’s Pacific exploration, many voyages of science and exploration following him to the Pacific have not received the attention they deserved. This title aims to correct this imbalance through the …
# 42458
[HARVEY, William, 1752-1807]
Midshipman William Harvey, sailor on all three voyages of Captain Cook : his watercolour portrait and snuff box.
Watercolour on paper, 247 x 227 mm, in an early gilded wood and gesso frame, inscribed verso Midshipman Hardy [sic] of Ct. Cook’s Ship Discovery 1779. Exhibited: Endeavour voyage: the untold stories of Cook and the First Australians. National Museum of Australia, Canberra, 2 June 2020 – 26 April 2021. Reference: Coates, Ian (editor). Endeavour voyage, the …
# 41535
SPARRMAN, Anders (1747-1820)
Resa till Goda Hopps-Udden, södra pol-kretsen och omkring jordklotet, samt till Hottentott- och Caffer-landen, åren 1772-76.
Stockholm : Anders J. Nordström, 1783; Carl Deleen, 1802 – 1818. Octavo, three volumes, fine early nineteenth century Swedish half-calf over marbled boards, spines in compartments with contrasting red morocco title labels, the last two volumes bound in uniform, with the volume numbers I; II reversed by the binder, a fine set in early bindings …
# 44121
SMITH, Bernard
European vision and the South Pacific 1768-1850 (Russell Drysdale’s copy, signed by artist and author)
A study in the history of art and ideas. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1960. First edition. Quarto, publisher’s navy cloth over boards, in dust jacket (chipped, sunned and worn), 287 pp, with 171 b/w plates; internally very clean and sound, a good copy of the scarce first edition. Signed on the title page by …
# 44120
RIENITS, Rex and Thea
Early artists of Australia (presentation copy for Russell Drysdale)
Sydney : Angus & Robertson, 1963. Quarto, cloth in illustrated dustjacket (light edge wear, chips to head and foot of spine, a little more than evident in the photo), patterned endpapers,, pp. x; 246, illustrated. A good copy. Presentation copy, signed and inscribed from the authors ‘Maisie and Tass with lots of love from Rex …
# 15728
MANLEY, Admiral Isaac (1755 - 1837)
A set of books from the library of Admiral Isaac Manley, the last surviving crew member on Captain Cook’s Endeavour voyage
Paris and the Parisians, in 1835. London : Richard Bentley, 1836. Two volumes, octavo, publisher’s cloth (spines defective), pp. xv; 418; vii; 412; Manley’s armorial bookplate to front pastedown of volume 1 (bearing the family motto Manus hæc inimica tyrannis – This hand is hostile to tyrants), each volume signed on the title page ‘Admiral Manley’. Born in London …
# 42827
In the wake of Cook : exploration, science, & empire, 1780-1801
London : Croom Helm, 1985. Octavo, cloth in dustjacket, pp. 216, maps, a very good copy. From the collection of noted art academic Leigh Astbury, signed by him on the endpaper.
# 41533
VANCOUVER, George, 1757-1798; SPARRMAN, Anders, 1748-1820
En upptäckts-resa till Norra Stilla Hafvet, och kring jordklotet : att på Kongl. Engelsk befallning och omkostnad i synnerhet forska efter något segelbart sammanhang imellan Norra Stilla och Norra Atlantiske Hafven förrättad åhren 1790, 1791, 1792, 1793, 1794, 1795, under commando af Capitain George Vancouver. Ifrån engelskan i sammandrag utgifven af Anders Sparrman.
Scarce Swedish edition of Vancouver’s voyage account, being Anders Sparrman’s abridgement of Voyage of discovery to the North Pacific Ocean and round the world (1798). Stockholm : Anders Zetterberg, 1800. Two parts in one volume, small octavo, contemporary half calf over speckled papered boards, spine ruled in gilt with title labels (spine and edges worn and rubbed); contemporary …