# 45873
FREYCINET, Rose Marie Pinon de (1794-1832)
Campagne de l’Uranie (1817-1820) : journal de Madame Rose de Saulces de Freycinet, d’après le manuscrit original
/ accompagné de notes par Charles Duplomb. Paris : Societé d’Éditions Géographiques, Maritimes et Coloniales, 1927. First edition. Large quarto (285 x 230 mm), publisher’s printed wrappers with French flaps (sunned, spine with water staining and small paper loss at ends), pp. [2 blank], xiii, [1 blank], 190, [2], with 25 plates (13 in colour, …
# 46028
[BOARD GAME] The National Yacht Race.
Melbourne : National Game Co., [between 1912 and 1915?]. “Copyright no. 2607”. Thin board with original cloth backstrip, 310 x 480 mm, folding, pictorial onlaid title label, edges rubbed, fold-out game board printed in blue, yellow, red and black. This appears to be an early version of the Yacht Race game. Not only are the …
# 46195
MINNS, B. E. (Benjamin Edward) (1863-1937) (artist)
Grand Military Tattoo. Tendered to the Admiral Commanding and Personnel of the visiting United States Battle Fleet, at the Royal Agricultural Society’s Ground, Sydney, New South Wales. Thursday July 30th at 8pm, 1925.
[Drop title]. Sydney : The Motor Press Ltd., 1925. Octavo (225 mm), colour pictorial wrappers, the upper wrapper design signed in the image lower right ‘B. E. Minns’ and incorporating symbols of the United States of America and Australia, including the flags of both nations, the kangaroo and emu, and the New South Wales waratah; …
# 46276
[BOOKMARK] Aberdeen and Commonwealth Line … one class to England.
[Melbourne?] : Dalgety & Coy. Limited and Aberdeen and Commonwealth Line, [between 1928 and 1933]. Bookmark, 132 x 57 mm, offset printed on thin card, recto with colour illustration of one the company’s “Bay” liners, verso with information about the service to London via Suez, inviting prospective travellers to contact the Dalgety & Co. or Aberdeen and Commonwealth Line …
# 46275
[AUSTRALIAN EMIGRATION]. Passenger list for S.S. Otranto, April 1928
Oblong octavo, colour wrappers (small chips, edge wear), pp [14], map, illustrations, list of passangers. Passanger list for the Orient Line pleasure cruise to the Mediterranean on the S.S. Otranto, departing London 21st April 1928. 8 pages are devoted to advertising the Orient Line to Australia, including images of the ship’s interior, map of the …
# 46192
FORNASIERO, Jean et al.
The Art of Science : Nicolas Baudin’s voyagers 1800-1804
Adelaide : Wakefield Press, 2016 (2017 reprint). Quarto, 265 x 218 mm, illustrated wrappers, pp. 176, illustrated. It was one of the most lavishly equipped scientific expeditions ever to leave Europe. At the dawn of the nineteenth century, French navigator Nicolas Baudin led two ships carrying 22 scientists and more than 230 officers and crew …
# 29393
HUDDART, Joseph (1741-1816) (attrib.)
The Oriental navigator; or, new directions for sailing to and from the East Indies.
Also for the use of the country ships, trading in the Indian and China seas, to New Holland, &c. &c. Collected from the manuscripts, journals, memoirs, and observations, of the most experienced officers in the Hon. East India Company’s Service; and from the last edition of the French Neptune Oriental, by Mons. D’Après de Mannevillette. Being …
# 29401
BOUGAINVILLE, Hyacinthe Yves Philippe Potentien, Baron de (1781-1846)
Hyacinthe de Bougainville : autograph letter, signed, written from the harbour of Macao in 1825 during his circumnavigation in the “Thétis”.
Manuscript in brown ink, folio, 1 page; headed ‘Rade de Macao, ce 1er Janvier 1825’, the letter is to an unnamed recipient and concerns the Lazarist missionary, Lamiot; old vertical and horizontal folds (minor tears at the ends), roughened at top and bottom edges, else clean and complete, with red wax seals preserved. Rare, unpublished …
# 44863
PHILLIP, Arthur (1738-1814)
The Voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany Bay
with an account of the establishment of the Colonies of Port Jackson & Norfolk Island; compiled from authentic papers, which have been obtained from the several departments, to which are added, the journals of Lieuts. Shortland, Watts, Ball, & Capt. Marshall; with an account of their new discoveries. London : John Stockdale, 1789. Quarto, full …
# 45928
Henry S. King & Co.’s Hand book for homeward-bound travellers from India, Australia and the East.
Bombay : King, King & Co. ; Calcutta : King, Hamilton & Co., 1890. Duodecimo (145 x 100 mm), original printed white wrappers (advertisements on lower wrapper and inside front and back), 117 pp, with 1 folding maps: Map Shewing the Lines of Communication carried on by the Steamers of the Peninsular & Oriental Steam …
# 21619
To China & Japan … Australia & New Zealand. Via San Francisco.
[Drop title]. Liverpool, U.K. : Rudolph Falck, General European Agent, [c.1900]. Octavo, pictorial wrappers (light vertical fold, some mild toning), staple bound, pp 24 (including wrappers), photographic illustrations, deck and cabin plans, tables of fares etc.; a good, clean copy. Very scarce pre-Panama Canal brochure compiled by travel agent Rudolph Falck for prospective passengers from …
# 45562
HEWITT, Charles
[MARITIME] Joseph and Mary Ann Jewell, survivors of the wreck of the General Grant, shipwrecked in the Auckland Islands south of New Zealand in May 1866.
[Circa 1868]. Albumen print photograph, carte de visite format, 102 x 61 mm (mount); recto inscribed ‘9d pence each’ (presumably in the hand of a Melbourne print- or bookseller); verso with imprint of ‘C. Hewitt, Photographer, Australasian Studio, 95, Swanston Street. Melbourne’; a strong print but with scattered foxing; the back mark is faded. The American …
# 46004
HUNT, Susan et al.
Lure of the southern seas : the voyages of Dumont D’Urville, 1826-1840
Sydney : Historic Houses Trust of New South Wales, 2002. Quarto, illustrated wrappers, pp. 141, illustrated.
# 45766
BONNEMAINS, Jacqueline
Baudin in Australian Waters.
The artwork of the French voyage of discovery to the southern lands 1800 – 1804. With a complete descriptive catalogue of drawings and paintings of Australian subjects by C.-A. Lesueur and N.-M. Petit from the Lesueur Collection at the Museum d’Histoire Naturelle, Le Havre, France. Edited by Jacqueline Bonnemains, Elliott Forsyth and Bernard Smith. Melbourne …
# 44894
TASMAN, Abel Janszoon (1603 - 1659)
Abel Janszoon Tasman’s Journal of his discovery of Van Diemen’s Land and New Zealand in 1642.
With documents relating to his exploration of Australia in 1644 being photo-lithographic facsimiles of the original manuscript in the colonial archives at The Hague with an English translation and facsimiles of original maps to to which are added life and labours of Abel Janszoon Tasman by J. E. Heeres, Ll. D. Professor at the Dutch …
# 45459
The Melbourne Harbour Trust Commissioners. Reports of Royal Commissions on Noxious Trades, 1870 & 1871. Silting up of the Bay, 1871 & 1872. Low Lands, 1873. Commissioner Paterson.
Melbourne : Government Printer, 1870-75. Six Royal Commission reports printed for the Parliament of Victoria (itemised below). Foolscap folio (320 x 205 mm), in a special presentation binding for James Paterson, Melbourne Harbour Trust Commissioner, of limp maroon morocco with double-gilt rule (some light staining and moderate wear), cover stamped in gilt ‘The Melbourne Harbour …