
  • # 46145

    [Photographer unknown]

    Studio portrait of Samoan London Missionary Society pastor and tutor Saanga and his family, (Apia?) 1906.

    Gelatin silver print photograph, cabinet card format, 185 x 135 mm (mount); original studio mount (without photographer’s imprint); verso with Saanga’s own inscription in ink identifying the sitters as Saanga, Madeline, Freddy, Sose, Rarotonga, Rita, Edward, and beneath this ‘With Saanga’s kind regards. June 12 ’06‘; a slightly later ownership inscription in pencil at the top …

  • # 45873

    FREYCINET, Rose Marie Pinon de (1794-1832)

    Campagne de l’Uranie (1817-1820) : journal de Madame Rose de Saulces de Freycinet, d’après le manuscrit original

    / accompagné de notes par Charles Duplomb. Paris : Societé d’Éditions Géographiques, Maritimes et Coloniales, 1927. First edition. Large quarto (285 x 230 mm), publisher’s printed wrappers with French flaps (sunned, spine with water staining and small paper loss at ends), pp. [2 blank], xiii, [1 blank], 190, [2], with 25 plates (13 in colour, …

  • # 45900

    [NOTT, Henry] HOWE, William; CHISHOLM, Alexander; BARFF, John

    [BIBLE. TAHITIAN] Te Bibilia moa ra, oia te faufaa Tahito e te faufaa apî ra : iritihia ei parau Tahiti.

    Lonedona : Neia e R. Clay, Sons, e O. Taylor ma, na te Taieti Bibilia i Beritani e te mau fenua atoa i faatupuhia i Lonedona ra i te Matahiti 1804. [London : R.Clay & Sons and O. Taylor, for The British and Foreign Bible Society], 1878. Fourth edition. Thick octavo (225 x 150 mm), …

  • # 46142

    WALTER, Charles (Carl) (1831-1907) (attributed)

    Two stereoscopic views taken in Samoa, 1875.

    Two stereoscopic albumen print photographs, each image approximately 80 x 80 mm (square format), on original black card mounts, 85 x 176 mm, versos blank; the prints are a little pale, but are otherwise in good condition. This pair of Samoan stereoviews came as part of a small group of stereographic photographs by German-born Victorian …

  • # 46003

    TRÉHIN, Jean-Yves.

    Tahiti : l’Éden à l’épreuve de la photographie : une histoire de la photographie à Tahiti et dans les îles, 1859-1940

    Paris : Gallimard, 2003. Oblong quarto, boards in dustjacket, pp. 207, illustrated, a fine copy. Includes works by: Gustave Viaud, Paul-Emile Miot, Eugène Courret, Charles & Susan Hoare, Charles Georges Spitz, Lucien Gauthier, Roger Parry, Thérèse Le Prat, Henri Lemasson, Jules Agostini. A significant survey of early photography in Tahiti.

  • # 45966

    Photographer unknown.

    Panoramic photograph of Nauru, or Pleasant Island

    Circa 1915. Gelatin silver print photograph, 85 x 300 mm, laid down on contemporary board with printed label beneath the image, housed in a contemporary frame with Art Nouveau design. Fine. The remote Pacific island of Nauru, lying 300 kilometres to the west of Kiribati (Gilbert Islands), was originally settled by both Micronesian and Polynesian …

  • # 21619


    To China & Japan … Australia & New Zealand. Via San Francisco.

    [Drop title]. Liverpool, U.K. : Rudolph Falck, General European Agent, [c.1900]. Octavo, pictorial wrappers (light vertical fold, some mild toning), staple bound, pp 24 (including wrappers), photographic illustrations, deck and cabin plans, tables of fares etc.; a good, clean copy. Very scarce pre-Panama Canal brochure compiled by travel agent Rudolph Falck for prospective passengers from …

  • # 45551

    DAVIS, John

    Portrait of Wellington Ngu (later Second Crown Prince of Tonga) in military uniform, c.1878.

    Albumen print photograph, carte de visite format, 106 x 64 mm; verso with the back mark of ‘J. DAVIS, PHOTOGRAPHER, 21 Botany Street, near Oxford Street, SYDNEY. View of Friendly and Navigators Islands.’; a superb print with excellent tonal range; [TOGETHER WITH] another carte de visite in identical format (but for some reason without Davis’ …

  • # 46004

    HUNT, Susan et al.

    Lure of the southern seas : the voyages of Dumont D’Urville, 1826-1840

    Sydney : Historic Houses Trust of New South Wales, 2002. Quarto, illustrated wrappers, pp. 141, illustrated.

  • # 45151

    FORSYTH, John Walter [INGLETON, Geoffrey C., copyist & editor]

    The discovery of the mainland of New Guinea : Álvaro de Saavedra Cerón or Íñigo Ortiz de Retes?

    / by J. W. Forsyth. (Copy by G. C. I.). Manuscript in fountain pen, 67 pp., foolscap folio, written recto only on faint-ruled paper; with a page of prefatory notes by Geoffrey C. Ingleton, headed ‘Forsyth’s Paper’; complete and very well preserved; housed a custom clamshell box. ‘John Forsyth, a solicitor by profession, was an …

  • # 45110


    Tracts relative to the Aborigines / published by direction of the Meeting for Sufferings from 1838 to 1842

    London : Edward Marsh, 84 Houndsditch, 1843. Series: Tracts relative to the Aborigines, nos. 1-8. Octavo (210 x 135 mm), original blind-blocked green cloth with gilt-lettered spine (upper board with stain at fore-edge penetrating to pastedown and front endpaper), front free-endpaper with two early North American Society of Friends Meeting inscriptions; pp. i-xii; 1-60 (Information …

  • # 45577

    ARENAL, Concepción

    [TRANSPORTATION] Las colonias penales de la Australia y la pena de deportación.

    Memoria premiada por la Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y Politicas en el concurso ordinario de 1875. Madrid : Eduardo Martinez, 1877. Large octavo (255 x 170 mm), publisher’s wrappers (lightly marked, head and tail of spine chipped), 99 pp; text in Spanish; entirely unopened, a very good copy. Ferguson 6092. In 1875 the Spanish …

  • # 45069

    BERAN, Harry; CRAIG, Barry

    Shields of Melanesia

    / Edited by Harry Beran and Barry Craig. Honolulu, HI : University of Hawai’i Press, in association with Oceanic Art Society, Sydney, 2005. Quarto (295 x 215 mm), publisher’s black cloth-covered boards in pictorial dust jacket; pp. xix, [1], 287; illustrated in colour and b/w; maps; light handling wear, an excellent copy.  

  • # 17953

    DAM, Meyndert van; STICHTER, Cornelis

    A VOC ship’s binding from the Chamber of Amsterdam.

    d’Erven Stichters Comptoir Almanach, Voor ‘t Jaar 1800. Voorzien van eene aanwyzing der Jaar-, Paarden-, Beesten- en Leermarkten, welke in de Bataafsche Republiek gehouden worden, als mede de Vacantien, het Varen der Trekschuyten en Beurtschepen, het vertrek der Posten en Postwagens. Nevens de maans op- en ondergang. Te Amsterdam : by de erfgen. van de Wed. C. Stichter, …

  • # 44855

    GOOS, Pieter

    Pascaerte vande Zuyd-Zee tussche California, en Ilhas de Ladrones

    Amsterdam : Pieter Goos, op’t Waater inde Vergulde Zeespiegel, 1666. 430 x 538 mm (image), 465 x 555 mm (sheet), had coloured, decorative cartouche, a fine example. A fine example of Pieter Goos’ sea chart of the Pacific Ocean. Extending from Van Diemen’s Land to Japan, and from New Zealand to California, it significantly notes discoveries …

  • # 44856

    OTTENS, Reinier (1698 - 1750); de WIT, Frederik (1629 - 1706)

    Magnum Mare del Zur cum Insula California. De Groote Zuyd-Zee en ‘t Eylandt California

    Amsterdam : [R. & I. Ottens, 1745]. Copperplate engraving, 490 x 560 mm (image); 565 x 665 mm (sheet), hand coloured, small repair to tear in cartouche and a couple of pinholes, else fine. A striking example of Reiner and Joshua Ottens’ chart of the Pacific Ocean, an updated state of Frederick De Wit’s chart …