# 46308
REEL WOMEN (Melbourne)
[FEMINISM] Reel Women
$90.00 AUD
[Carlton, Vic. : Reel Women, 1979?]. Broadsheet, 205 x 410 mm, folding to 205 x 95 mm, [8] pp., illustrated; catalogue of 17 independent women’s films, all by Melbourne and Sydney filmmakers including Sue Ford, Carla Pontiac, Monique Schwarz, Carole Sklan, Madelon Wilkens, Natalie Green, Maureen McCarthy and Claire Jager; Virginia Fraser’s copy, with a few of her annotations in red biro.
‘Reel Women is a group of Melbourne film workers who have been in operation since August 1979. The group is involved in the production, distribution and exhibition of women’s films in Melbourne and interstate. The group was formed firstly as a contact point for women film makers who had previously worked in isolation, and secondly as a distribution network for their films. We hope to foster a film culture that presents alternative images and experiences of women to the mainstream media.’
Trove locates no copies in Australian libraries.
Provenance: From the estate of Virginia Fraser, feminist, artist, writer, editor and curator.