Voyages & Exploration
# 45983
“World Air Routes”
Osaka : Mainichi Shinbun, 1930. Map, printed in colour, 73.5 x 104 cms, old folds as issued, a couple of small paper tape reinforcements verso. A Japanese sugoroku boardgame published by the daily Osaka newspaper Mainichi Shinbun on 1st January 1930. The central feature is a map of the world on a Mollweide projection, allowing …
# 46145
[Photographer unknown]
Studio portrait of Samoan London Missionary Society pastor and tutor Saanga and his family, (Apia?) 1906.
Gelatin silver print photograph, cabinet card format, 185 x 135 mm (mount); original studio mount (without photographer’s imprint); verso with Saanga’s own inscription in ink identifying the sitters as Saanga, Madeline, Freddy, Sose, Rarotonga, Rita, Edward, and beneath this ‘With Saanga’s kind regards. June 12 ’06‘; a slightly later ownership inscription in pencil at the top …
# 45873
FREYCINET, Rose Marie Pinon de (1794-1832)
Campagne de l’Uranie (1817-1820) : journal de Madame Rose de Saulces de Freycinet, d’après le manuscrit original
/ accompagné de notes par Charles Duplomb. Paris : Societé d’Éditions Géographiques, Maritimes et Coloniales, 1927. First edition. Large quarto (285 x 230 mm), publisher’s printed wrappers with French flaps (sunned, spine with water staining and small paper loss at ends), pp. [2 blank], xiii, [1 blank], 190, [2], with 25 plates (13 in colour, …
# 45900
[NOTT, Henry] HOWE, William; CHISHOLM, Alexander; BARFF, John
[BIBLE. TAHITIAN] Te Bibilia moa ra, oia te faufaa Tahito e te faufaa apî ra : iritihia ei parau Tahiti.
Lonedona : Neia e R. Clay, Sons, e O. Taylor ma, na te Taieti Bibilia i Beritani e te mau fenua atoa i faatupuhia i Lonedona ra i te Matahiti 1804. [London : R.Clay & Sons and O. Taylor, for The British and Foreign Bible Society], 1878. Fourth edition. Thick octavo (225 x 150 mm), …
# 46106
MOORE, David R.
The Torres Strait collections of A. C. Haddon : a descriptive catalogue
London : British Museum Press, 1984. Quarto (280 x 210 mm), publisher’s cloth in pictorial dust jacket; 110 pp. + 80 pp. with 450 b/w photographic illustrations; a couple of pale spots of foxing to preliminaries, else a fine copy. An important catalogue – scholarly and very well illustrated – of the material culture field-collected …
# 46034
Church Missionary Society collection box, circa 1920.
[London : CMS, c.1920]. Wooden box, 140 x 70 x 70 mm, with chromolithographic label on one side illustrated with peoples from CMS missions around the world and worded: CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY. SPHERES OF WORK: AFRICA, INDIA, CEYLON, CHINA, JAPAN, PALESTINE, EGYPT, THE SUDAN, PERSIA ETC. / METHODS: EVANGELISTIC, PASTORAL, EDUCATIONAL, MEDICAL, INDUSTRIAL, ITINERATING, TRANSLATIONAL …
# 46142
WALTER, Charles (Carl) (1831-1907) (attributed)
Two stereoscopic views taken in Samoa, 1875.
Two stereoscopic albumen print photographs, each image approximately 80 x 80 mm (square format), on original black card mounts, 85 x 176 mm, versos blank; the prints are a little pale, but are otherwise in good condition. This pair of Samoan stereoviews came as part of a small group of stereographic photographs by German-born Victorian …
# 46003
TRÉHIN, Jean-Yves.
Tahiti : l’Éden à l’épreuve de la photographie : une histoire de la photographie à Tahiti et dans les îles, 1859-1940
Paris : Gallimard, 2003. Oblong quarto, boards in dustjacket, pp. 207, illustrated, a fine copy. Includes works by: Gustave Viaud, Paul-Emile Miot, Eugène Courret, Charles & Susan Hoare, Charles Georges Spitz, Lucien Gauthier, Roger Parry, Thérèse Le Prat, Henri Lemasson, Jules Agostini. A significant survey of early photography in Tahiti.
# 46277
SMITH, M. Staniforth
[NEW GUINEA] Handbook of the Territory of Papua. (First edition)
Melbourne : J. Kemp, Acting Government Printer, 1907. Octavo, original cloth backed papered boards (sunned and lightly marked), pp 108; internally very clean, a good copy. A comprehensive handbook for prospective traders, investors and residents. British New Guinea had been transferred to Australian control on 16 November 1905. Under Australian administration it became known as …
# 46275
[AUSTRALIAN EMIGRATION]. Passenger list for S.S. Otranto, April 1928
Oblong octavo, colour wrappers (small chips, edge wear), pp [14], map, illustrations, list of passangers. Passanger list for the Orient Line pleasure cruise to the Mediterranean on the S.S. Otranto, departing London 21st April 1928. 8 pages are devoted to advertising the Orient Line to Australia, including images of the ship’s interior, map of the …
# 45779
LAS CASAS, Bartholomé de (1484-1566)
Den spiegel der Spaensche Tyranny gheschieht in West-Indien.
Waer in te sien is de onmenschelicke wreede feyten der Spangiaerden : met t’samen de beschrijvinge der selver Landen, Volckeren aert ende natuere … … [BOUND WITH] Tweede Deel van de Spieghel der Spaense Tyrannye, gheschiet in Nederlant. Waer in te sien is de onmenschelicke ende wreede handelinghen der Spaengiaerden … … Amsterdam : Jan Everts. …
# 46192
FORNASIERO, Jean et al.
The Art of Science : Nicolas Baudin’s voyagers 1800-1804
Adelaide : Wakefield Press, 2016 (2017 reprint). Quarto, 265 x 218 mm, illustrated wrappers, pp. 176, illustrated. It was one of the most lavishly equipped scientific expeditions ever to leave Europe. At the dawn of the nineteenth century, French navigator Nicolas Baudin led two ships carrying 22 scientists and more than 230 officers and crew …
# 29393
HUDDART, Joseph (1741-1816) (attrib.)
The Oriental navigator; or, new directions for sailing to and from the East Indies.
Also for the use of the country ships, trading in the Indian and China seas, to New Holland, &c. &c. Collected from the manuscripts, journals, memoirs, and observations, of the most experienced officers in the Hon. East India Company’s Service; and from the last edition of the French Neptune Oriental, by Mons. D’Après de Mannevillette. Being …
# 29401
BOUGAINVILLE, Hyacinthe Yves Philippe Potentien, Baron de (1781-1846)
Hyacinthe de Bougainville : autograph letter, signed, written from the harbour of Macao in 1825 during his circumnavigation in the “Thétis”.
Manuscript in brown ink, folio, 1 page; headed ‘Rade de Macao, ce 1er Janvier 1825’, the letter is to an unnamed recipient and concerns the Lazarist missionary, Lamiot; old vertical and horizontal folds (minor tears at the ends), roughened at top and bottom edges, else clean and complete, with red wax seals preserved. Rare, unpublished …
# 44863
PHILLIP, Arthur (1738-1814)
The Voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany Bay
with an account of the establishment of the Colonies of Port Jackson & Norfolk Island; compiled from authentic papers, which have been obtained from the several departments, to which are added, the journals of Lieuts. Shortland, Watts, Ball, & Capt. Marshall; with an account of their new discoveries. London : John Stockdale, 1789. Quarto, full …
# 39126
Sammelband of Hong Kong newspapers, 1845-54
A Sammelband of fifty-four individual issues of newspapers published in Hong Kong between 1845 and 1854, comprising twenty issues of the Overland Register, and Price Current and thirty-four issues of The Hongkong Register; together with two issues of newspapers published in India in 1852 and 1853. Large folio (510 x 340 mm), custom modern binding of …