Australian Art - General

  • # 46618

    [ARKLEY, Howard]. LINDSAY, Robert

    Vox Pop – into the eighties

    Melbourne : National Gallery of Victoria, 1983. Quarto, illustrated wrappers by Howard Arkley, pp. 56, illustrated. Preface by Patrick McCaughey, text by Robert Lindsay. Includes works by Davida Allan, Howard Arkley, Peter Booth, Juan Davila, Fraser Fair, Dale Hickey, David Larwill, Victor Rubin, Gareth Sansom, Imants Tillers, Jenny Watson, Peter Tyndall, Jan Murray, Paul Boston, …

  • # 46617

    CHANIN, Eileen and MILLER, Steven

    Degenerates and perverts : the 1939 Herald exhibition of French and British contemporary art

    Eileen Chanin and Steven Miller ; with an introductory essay by Judith Pugh. Melbourne : The Miegunyah Press, 2005. Quarto, boards in dustjacket, pp. xi, 306, illustrated. An account of an exhibition that brought the Australian public face- to-face for the first time with the experimental art that had been developing in Europe during the …

  • # 46616

    CAMPBELL, Jean

    Early Sydney moderns : John Young and the Macquarie Galleries, 1916-1946

    Sydney : Craftsman’s Press, 1988. Quarto, boards in dustjacket, pp. 208, illustrated. Foreword by Lloyd Rees. A fine copy.

  • # 46615

    HILDER, J. J. et al.

    J. J. Hilder and contemporaries

    Watercolours from the permanent collection of the Art Gallery of New South Wales. Sydney : Art Gallery of New South Wales, 1981. Quarto, illustrated wrappers, lightly marked, pp. [20, illustrated. Works by J. J. Hilder, Sydney Long, Hans Heysen, Blamire Young and Norman Lindsay.

  • # 46611

    BUTLER, Roger

    Poster art in Australia : the streets as art galleries – walls sometimes speak

    Canberra : National Gallery of Australia, 1993. Quarto, illustrated wrappers, pp. 104, illustrated. Published in conjunction with the exhibition The streets as art galleries – walls sometimes speak : Poster art in Australia, National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, 5 November 1993 – 6 February 1994. Includes works by Norman Lindsay, William Dobell, Mandy Martin, James …

  • # 46609

    STURGEON, Graeme.

    The Development of Australian Sculpture 1788 – 1975

    London: Thomas and Hudson Ltd, 1978. Octavo, illustrated wrappers, 256pp. Features 160 illustrations. Contemporary newspaper reviews referred to Sturgeon’s book as “the first history of sculpture in Australia…..a significant cultural landmark.”

  • # 46545

    FENNER, Brooke Shanti et al.

    the mind of itself and the world

    Northcote, Vic. : Light Projects, 2011. Octavo (210 x 150 mm), stapled pictorial wrappers, pp. 108, illustrated; an excellent copy. Booklet produced in the wake of the mind of itself and the world, a collaborative project at Light Projects (Northcote, Melbourne), 15 August-4 September 2011, facilitated by Brooke Shanti Fenner, Oliver Cloke and Tahlia Jolly, with artists Laura …

  • # 46573


    Victorian Women’s Orchestra. Inaugural Concert … Friday, March 9th, 1990, 8.00pm … at Toorak Uniting Church …

    Program will include: Tchaikovsky: Nutcracker Suite, Greig: Norwegian Dances, Copland: Appalachian Spring, Ravel: Bolero. Parkdale, Vic. : VWO, 1990. A5 flyer, printed recto only; fine. Provenance: From the estate of Virginia Fraser (1947-2021), feminist, artist, writer, editor and curator.  

  • # 46522

    SMITH, Bernard (1916 - 2011)

    The Formalesque : a guide to modern art and its history

    Melbourne : Macmillan Art Publishing, 2007. Octavo, cloth bound boards in dustjacket, pp. 135, illustrated. As new condition, very fine. “In this well-illustrated book Professor Bernard Smith, who is often referred to as the father of art history in Australia, condenses the arguments presented in an earlier publication Modernisms History, 1998) into a very accessible …

  • # 46502

    JACKS, Robert et al.

    The Field revisited

    Melbourne : National Gallery of Victoria 2018. Two volumes in plastic slipcase, quarto, each with diecut wrappers, the first volume being a 144 page monograph on the seminal exhibition of Australian modernism held in 1968, the second volume being a 96 page facsimile of the rare original 1968 catalogue. Fine condition. ‘The National Gallery of …

  • # 46498

    McCORMICK, Alice; RHODES, Sarah

    The artist’s lunch : at home with Australia’s most celebrated artists

    Text : Alice McCormick; photography : Sarah Rhodes. Foreword by Margaret Olley. Sydney : Murdoch Books, 2008. Quarto, boards in dustjacket (lightly marked), pp. 231, illustrated. A fine copy. “Join photographer Sarah Rhodes and writer Alice McCormick as they meet up for lunch with 18 of Australias most lauded artists. From beans on toast with …

  • # 46450

    UNDERHILL, Nancy D. H.

    Making Australian art 1916 – 49. Sydney Ure Smith, patron and publisher (signed presentation copy)

    Melbourne : Oxford, 1991. Octavo, boards in dustjacket, pp. 311, name label to endpaper, illustrated. With a warm inscription to Ann Galbally (Quinn) and her family from the author on the endpaper. From the library of renowned art historian Ann Galbally (Quinn).  

  • # 46448

    THOMS, Albie et al.

    Bohemians in the bush : the artists’ camps of Mosman

    Text by Albie Thoms ; edited by Barry Pearce and Linda Slutzkin. [Sydney] : Art Gallery of New South Wales, 1991. Oblong quarto, illustrated wrappers, pp. 80, illustrated. Published in conjunction with the exhibition Bohemians in the bush, the artists camps of Mosman, 6 June-25 August 1991. Loosely enclosed, an additional illustrated brochure The painter’s walk …

  • # 46439

    GRAY, Anne

    Painted women : Australian artists in Europe at the turn of the century

    Anne Gray with essays by Helen Carroll, Ann Galbally, Janda Gooding, Barbara Kane, Ruth Zubans. Perth : Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, the University of Western Australia, [1998]. Octavo, illustrated wrappers, pp. 52, illustrated, vertical crease to covers and text block. Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, …

  • # 46437

    SMITH, Bernard

    The boy Adeodatus : the portrait of a lucky young bastard

    Melbourne : Allen Lane, 1984. First edition. Octavo, boards in dustjacket (spine sunned, edge wear), pp. 302. Moving autobiography of the great Australian art critic.

  • # 46436

    PRUNSTER, Ursula

    Belle-Île : Monet, Russell & Matisse in Brittany

    Sydney : Art Gallery of New South Wales, 2001. Quarto, boards in dustjacket, pp. 132, illustrated. Curated by Ursula Prunster with contributions by Ann Galbally, Albie Thoms and Paula Dredge.