Voyages & Exploration

  • # 46004

    HUNT, Susan et al.

    Lure of the southern seas : the voyages of Dumont D’Urville, 1826-1840

    Sydney : Historic Houses Trust of New South Wales, 2002. Quarto, illustrated wrappers, pp. 141, illustrated.

  • # 45627

    [BANKS, Joseph].

    Captain Cook’s Florilegium

    A selection of engravings from the drawings of plants collected by Joseph Banks and Daniel Solander on Captain Cook’s first voyage to the islands of the Pacific, with accounts of the voyage by Wilfrid Blunt and of the botanical explorations and prints by W.T. Stearn. London : Lion and Unicorn Press, 1973. Elephant folio (615 …

  • # 45456

    WALLACE, Alfred Russell (1823 - 1913)

    The Malay Archipelago : the land of the Orang-Utan, and the Bird of Paradise

    A narrative of travel with studies of man and nature. London : Macmillan and Co., 1869. Volume one : Second edition; volume two : first edition. A mixed set. Two volumes, octavo, gilt-decorated green cloth (edges a little rubbed, short tears to head and foot of spines, hinges cracked), pp. xx; 312; iv; 524; engravings …

  • # 45151

    FORSYTH, John Walter [INGLETON, Geoffrey C., copyist & editor]

    The discovery of the mainland of New Guinea : Álvaro de Saavedra Cerón or Íñigo Ortiz de Retes?

    / by J. W. Forsyth. (Copy by G. C. I.). Manuscript in fountain pen, 67 pp., foolscap folio, written recto only on faint-ruled paper; with a page of prefatory notes by Geoffrey C. Ingleton, headed ‘Forsyth’s Paper’; complete and very well preserved; housed a custom clamshell box. ‘John Forsyth, a solicitor by profession, was an …

  • # 42456

    Nueva-España. Tribunal de Minería

    Reales ordenanzas para la direccion, regimen y gobierno del importante cuerpo de la mineria de Nueva-España

     : y de su real tribunal general : de orden de su magestad. Lima : [s.n.], Año de 1785 [i.e. 1786, with contemporary ms correction on title]. Folio (295 x 200 mm), contemporary half calf over marbled papered boards (rubbed), spine with contrasting leather title-piece lettered in gilt and gilt bands; marbled endpapers, front pastedown with bookplate …

  • # 42884

    LANG, John Dunmore (1799-1878)

    An historical and statistical account of New South Wales, both as a penal settlement and as a British colony.

    London : Cochrane and M’Crone, 1834. First edition. Two volumes, octavo (190 x 125 mm), contemporary uniform calf, spines in compartments with gilt lettering and decoration; pastedowns with early ownership inscription of S. A. Cooper, Canterbury, Kent; Vol. 1. pp. xiv, 401, frontispiece folding engraved map with hand-coloured outlines; Vol. 2. pp. iv, 443; a …

  • # 45648

    [BANKS]. TROIL, Uno von

    [JOSEPH BANKS] Bref, rörande en resa til Island MDCCLXXII.

    Upsala : uplagde af Magnus Swederus … , 1777. First edition. Octavo, papered boards with title label to spine (edges rubbed, chips and small areas of loss), title with engraved vignette illustration of the Icelandic landscape and Geyser spouting water, ownership signature dated 1878 to front pastedown, pp. 20, [2], 376, [1 errata], with two …

  • # 42446

    CRASSET, Jean

    La storia della chiesa del Giappone

    del rev. Padre Giovanni Crasset della Compagnia di Gesù. Traduzione dal francese di Selvaggio Canturani. Venice : Baglioni, 1737. Four volumes, duodecimo, uniform 19th-century bindings of quarter calf over marbled papered boards, spines lettered and decorated in gilt; with 6 folding copper-engraved plates; a very fine set. Second Italian edition of Crasset’s history of the …

  • # 45626

    MENPES, Mortimer and Dorothy


    London : Adam & Charles Black, 1909. Quarto, gilt-lettered decorated cloth over bevelled boards (corners bumped, a few marks to spine), top edge gilt, others uncut, endpapers foxed, contemporary presentation inscription to front free endpaper, pp. xii; 185, illustrated with 75 colour plates with captioned tissue guards; occasional scattered foxing, a very good copy. The …

  • # 45694

    MENPES, Mortimer and Dorothy

    Venice (deluxe edition)

    London : Adam & Charles Black, 1904. Quarto, gilt-lettered decorated cloth over bevelled boards (lightly rubbed and marked, spine browned with chips at head and foot), top edge gilt, others uncut, pp. x; 222, illustrated with 100 colour plates with captioned tissue guards, a good copy. The edition de luxe, limited to 500 numbered copies …

  • # 45782


    [ANTARCTIC EXPLORATION] Ymer 2001: Antarktanderna – svensk forskning i Otto Nordenskjölds fotspår.

    Stockholm : Svenska Sällskapet för Antropologi och Geografi, 2001. Octavo (225 x 160 mm), pictorial papered boards, pp. 290, photographic illustrations in b/w and colour, maps, diagrams; a very fine copy. Yearbook of the Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography for 2001, honouring the centenary of the Swedish Antarctic Expedition of 1901-1903 led by Otto Nordenskjöld and Carl Anton Larsen. …

  • # 45635

    KLØVER, Geir O. (editor)

    Cold recall : Roald Amundsen’s reflections from the South Pole

    Oslo, Norway : Fram Museum, 2011. Quarto, illustrated wrappers, pp. 142, illustrated. ‘Cold Recall combines the complete texts of Roald Amundsen’s lectures about his expeditions through the Northwest Passage and the South Pole with the original hand-coloured lantern slides he used to illustrate his lectures. Together they offer a unique insight into how Amundsen presented …

  • # 42469

    Moraes, Wenceslau de (1854-1929)

    Relance da historia do Japão.

    Porto : Maranus, 1924. First edition. Octavo, later half red calf over marbled papered boards, spine with raised bands and gilt decoration and lettering; later silk endpapers and bookplate of Fernando Alves Barata; original wrappers bound in, the upper wrapper with tipped-on photographic illustration; pp. 299, [6], with one map; fine copy.

  • # 42470

    Moraes, Wenceslau de (1854-1929)

    Paizagens da China e do Japão.

    Lisbon : Livraria Tavares Cardoso, 1906. First edition. Octavo, later red leather with gilt-lettered spine; original colour-illustrated upper wrapper bound in (chipped and with light staining); pp. [vi], 239, [2]; with numerous half-tone photographic illustrations; text in Portuguese; a good copy.

  • # 42471

    Moraes, Wenceslau de (1854-1929)

    Relance da alma japoneza. (Special edition limited to 200 copies)

    Lisbon : Portugal-Brasil and Arthur Brandão (1925 or 1926). Octavo, later half red calf over marbled papered boards, spine with raised bands and gilt decoration and lettering; later silk endpapers and bookplate of Fernando Alves Barata; original wrappers bound in, the upper wrapper with illustration, the lower with publisher’s ads.; pp. 256, [4]; edition limited to …

  • # 42462

    Moraes, Wenceslau de (1854-1929)

    Relance da alma japoneza.

    Lisbon : Portugal-Brasil and Arthur Brandão (1925 or 1926). Octavo, later half calf, spine with gilt decoration and contrasting leather title-piece lettered in gilt; original wrappers bound in, the upper wrapper with illustration, the lower with publisher’s ads.; pp. 256, [4]; half-title with early ownership signature; fine copy.