New Acquisitions

We are pleased to present this month’s list of recent acquisitions, with 200+ items: natural history, travel, children’s books, literature, art, contemporary and historical photography – and much more!

  • # 46406

    BUACHE, Philippe (1700 - 1773)

    Carte des Terres Australes comprises entre le Tropique du Capricorne et le Pôle Antarctique.

    Où se voyent les Nouvelles découvertes faites en 1739 au sud du Cap de Bonne Esperance par les Ordres de Mrs de la Compagnie des Indes.  Dressée sur les Mémoires et sur la Carte Originale de Mr le Lozier Bouvet chargé de cette Expedition. Par Philippe Buache de l’Academie R.le. des Sciences gendre de feu …

  • # 46485

    LUKE, Edmund T.

    In Kewpie Land

    [Melbourne? : Gordon and Gotch?, c. 1920]. Quarto, illustrated cards, pp. [16], printed in green and pink throughout, full-page illustrations, printed gift vignette inside upper board completed in manuscript, small splits to spine, minor stains and edge wear, a very good copy. Imprint on lower board ‘Gordon Series. Designed and printed in Australia’. The author’s …

  • # 46278

    Robert ASHTON (1950- )

    Portfolio of 19 copperplate photogravure prints from the exhibition “Photogravure Images”, United Artists Gallery, Melbourne, 1987.

    [Melbourne : the artist, 1987]. Complete suite of nineteen copperplate photogravures, printed in an edition of 10; 195 x 295 mm (plate size), 370 x 460 mm (sheet size); all untitled, but signed and dated in the plate l.r. ‘Robert Ashton 1987’, and numbered at l.l. 1/10 (4), 2/10 (3), 3/10 (2), 4/10 (2), 5/10 …

  • # 46021

    HETZER, William, fl. 1850-67

    Scene on Middle Harbour, Sydney, 1858-59.

    Stereoscopic albumen print photograph, each individual image 76 x 71 mm (arch-top format), original plain white mount 84 x 172 mm, recto with an erroneous lithographically printed caption ‘Wooloomooloo [sic] Bay, Pott’s Point, Sydney’; verso blank; both albumen prints are in fine condition, although a little dark; the mount is very clean and stable. An insect-damaged …

  • # 46379

    AUSTEN, Jane (1775 - 1817)

    The Novels of Jane Austen (in ten volumes)

    Edited by Reginald Brimley Johnson. London : J. M. Dent, 1893. Third edition (of this collected set of Austen’s novels). Ten volumes, octavo, attractively bound in the publisher’s original pale green cloth, lettered and decorated in gilt, top edges gilt, others uncut, photogravure frontispieces, ornamental decorated title pages, pagination various, some light and minimal handling …

  • # 45890

    POZZI, Michel

    [WW1; ARTIST’S BOOK] Commentaires et visions de l’humanité [à la] Marne

    Paris : M. Pozzi, 1917. The first of 12 examples made by the artist; as far as we can ascertain, the only one extant. Folio (380 x 285 mm), artist’s original binding of full vellum, the upper board with artist’s manuscript calligraphic title, along with his monogram, name ‘M. Pozzi’ and ‘Paris 1917’ in red ink, …

  • # 45923

    VOGEL, Julius, Sir (1835-1899)

    Anno Domini 2000 : or, Woman’s destiny. (First edition, colonial issue)

    / by Sir Julius Vogel, K.C.M.G. London : Hutchinson and Co., 1889. “Colonial edition”. Octavo (195 x 130 mm), publisher’s gilt-lettered pictorial grey cloth (boards rubbed and lightly marked, corners bumped; spine sunned and marked, frayed at ends); frontispiece portrait of the author, pp. viii, [1]-331, [4 publisher’s advertisements]; newspaper cutting to verso of front endpaper …

  • # 42856


    Mission to Western Australia, commonly called the Swan River settlement.

    [London : s.n., 1835]. Quarto (250 x 200 mm), [3] pp; printed on letterpress; fourth side docketed ‘Mission to Western Australia’, and with Webster Collection stamp with number 2621 in ms.; original vertical and horizontal folds, some toning, else very well preserved. The foundation document for the Western Australian Missionary Society, recording the resolution for …

  • # 46317

    BURGOYNE, Thomas (1827-1920)

    The land question. A brief statement of the evils of land monopoly, and the advantages of leasing the public lands of South Australia.

    / by Thomas Burgoyne. [Cover title]. Port Augusta : D. Drysdale, Printer, [1884]. Disbound octavo (205 x 130 mm), original pink upper wrapper with black lettering (dusty and darkened; lacking the lower wrapper); pp. 14; contents clean and sound. South Australian politician Thomas Burgoyne (1827-1920) was a proponent of the radical anti-land monopoly views advocated …

  • # 46289

    THOMAS, Isaac (of Aberdare)

    Dychweliad Morgan Bach o Australia : a’i fam (Gwen o’r Gyrnos) yn methu ei adnabod.

    [=The return of Morgan Bach from Australia, unrecognisable to his mother (Gwen o’r Gyrnos)]. [Drop title]. [s.l.] : [s.n.], [between 1850 and 1860]. Chapbook ballad. Disbound duodecimo bifolium (155 x 90 mm), printed on all four sides with woodcut vignette of a paddle-steamer at the head of the first side; at the foot of the …

  • # 46290

    THOMAS, Isaac (of Abedare)

    Morgan Bach a’i fam yn ymddiddan ynghylch myned i Australia.

    [=Morgan Bach and his mother discussing going to Australia]. [Drop title]. [s.l.] : [s.n.], [between 1850 and 1860]. Chapbook ballad. Disbound duodecimo bifolium (155 x 90 mm), printed on all four sides with woodcut vignette of a sailing ship on the first side below the title; at the foot of the text is printed the …

  • # 46489

    BROWN, Robert (1773 - 1858)

    General remarks, geographical and systematical, on the botany of Terra Australis

    [Appendix to Matthew Flinders A Voyage to Terra Australis; undertaken for the purpose of completing the discovery of that vast country, and prosecuted in the years 1801, 1802, and 1803]. London : [s.n.], [Printed by W. Bulmer and Co.] : [1814 – reissued circa 1840]. First separate issue, originally published as an Appendix to Flinders’ …

  • # 46410

    FORTUNE, Dion (pseud. of Violet Mary FIRTH)

    [OCCULT] Applied magic

    London : The Aquarian Press ; New York : Wehman Bros., 1962. First edition. Small octavo (190 x 130 mm), publisher’s cream cloth with gold lettering to spine (gleaming and unmarked), in the yellow dust jacket printed in red (price-clipped, but superb); pp. viii, 110; contents immaculate, a very fine copy. A posthumous collection of …

  • # 45941

    WITTGENSTEIN, Ludwig (1889-1951)

    Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus

    / by Ludwig Wittgenstein. With an introduction by Bertrand Russell, F.R.S. London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co., Ltd., 1922. First edition. Octavo, cloth (flecked, with re-colouring), rebacked with original backstrip laid down, lettered in gilt on spine; pp. 189 (without publisher’s ads. at rear); parallel text in German and English; front pastedown with …

  • # 45779

    LAS CASAS, Bartholomé de (1484-1566)

    Den spiegel der Spaensche Tyranny gheschieht in West-Indien.

    Waer in te sien is de onmenschelicke wreede feyten der Spangiaerden : met t’samen de beschrijvinge der selver Landen, Volckeren aert ende natuere … … [BOUND WITH] Tweede Deel van de Spieghel der Spaense Tyrannye, gheschiet in Nederlant. Waer in te sien is de onmenschelicke ende wreede handelinghen der Spaengiaerden … … Amsterdam : Jan Everts. …

  • # 46404

    MAWE, John (1764-1829)

    The voyager’s companion, or shell collector’s pilot;

    with instructions and directions where to find the finest shells; also for preserving the skins of animals; and the best methods of catching and preserving insects &c. &c. &c. London : printed for and sold by the author, and by Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1825. Fourth edition. Duodecimo, full polished calf (corners …