# 19849
d'ANVILLE, Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon (1697-1782)
Atlas général
$24,000.00 AUD
[Paris : circa 1780]. Elephant folio, 28 x 18 inches (730 x 465 mm), full green morocco, floral gilt decoration to edges, spine in compartments and lettered in gilt with contrasting red morocco title label (rebacked onto vellum with some early restoration to the upper portion), gilt stamped bee designs to the compartments of the spine and corners of the boards; all edges stained red, marbled endpapers, engraved list of the maps Cartes Geographiques De M. D’Anville on front pastedown, no title page (as issued), 42 sheets of engraved maps of various sizes, some folding and with extensions, most with contemporary hand colouring; occasional minor splitting and light discolouration at some folds as usual, all maps reinforced at folds; the maps clean and fresh, a complete and fine example of d’Anville’s extraordinary composite atlas.
A monumental atlas from the Age of Enlightenment, copies of which were composed to order at the request of d’Anville’s clients. The engraved advertisement inside the upper board lists the maps and editions of the cartographer’s works available at the time, the most recent of which is dated 1777. The atlas includes maps which date from 1747 – 1779. A complete list of the maps, which are almost exclusively double-page (up to 121 x 66 cm) is available on our website.
The maps are as follows (please note the sizes are approximate as many of the maps have either wide margins or extensions):
1) MAPPE-MONDE, en deux grands Hemi-spheres. 1761. 48 x 26 inches, double-page, folding map of two hemispheres. Contemporary colouring in outline.
2) Premiere Partie de la Carte d’EUROPE. 1754. Double-page, folding at top & bottom. 33 x 40 inches. Contemporary colouring in outline. France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Great Britain.
3) Seconde Partie de la Carte d’EUROPE. 1758. Double-page, one side folding. 40 x 28 inches. Contemporary colouring in outline. Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Russia.
4) Troisieme Partie de la Carte d’EUROPE. 1760. Double-page, folding at top & bottom. 33 x 40 inches. Contemporary colouring in outline. Russia, Poland, Hungary, Turkey.
5) Premiere Partie de la Carte d’ASIE. 1761. Double-page, folding at bottom. 33 x 31 inches. Turkey, Arabia, Persia, India, Tartary. Piece torn from left margin, not affecting image.
6) Seconde Partie de la Carte d’ASIE. 1752. Double-page, folding at top & bottom. 33 x 39 inches. Contemporary colouring in outline. Tartary, India, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Moluques, Philippines, Japan.
7) Troisieme Partie de la Carte d’ASIE. 1753. Double-page, folding at right side. 22 x 43 inches. Contemporary colouring in outline. Siberia, Tartary.
8) Afrique. 1749. Double-page, folding on left side. 40 x 22 inches. Contemporary colouring in outline. Africa.
9) [Afrique – Second Part] 1749. Double-page, folding on left side. 40 x 22 inches. Contemporary colouring in outline. The lower part of Africa, the Indies, Madagascar. The lower section of Map 8.
10) Amerique Septentrionale. 1746. Double-page, folding on left side. 35 x 20 inches. Contemporary colouring in outline.
11) [Amerique Septentrionale – Second Part]. 1746. Double-page, folding on left side. 35 x 20 inches. Contemporary colouring in outline. Gulf of Mexico, Cuba, Yucatan. The lower section of Map 10.
12) [Amerique Meridionale – Upper Part] 1748. Double-page, folding at top. 33 x 36 inches. Contemporary colouring in outline. South America. The upper section of Map 13.
13) Amerique Meridionale. 1748. Double-page. 33 x 18 inches. Contemporary colouring in outline. The lower section of Map 12.
14) La France. Divisee en Provinces … 1773. Single-page, folding on left side. 18 x 18 inches. Contemporary colouring in outline.
15) La France. Divisee en Provinces … 1773. Another identical copy of Map 14, on the facing page, but folding on the right side. Differently coloured than Map 14.
16) L’Italie. 1743. Double-page, folding at bottom. 28 x 34 inches. Contemporary colouring in outline.
17) Les Cotes de la Grec et l’Archipel. October 1756. Double-page. 30 x 23 inches. Contemporary colouring, mainly in outline.
18) L’Euphrate et Le Tigre. 1779. Double-page. 24 x 20 inches. Contemporary colouring in outline.
19) Carte de l’Inde. November 1752. Double-page, folding on right side. 42 x 21 inches. Some light contemporary colouring in outline.
20) [Carte de l’Inde – Lower Part]. November 1752. Double-page, folding on right side. 42 x 21 inches. Some light contemporary colouring in outline. The lower section of Map 19.
21) Coromandel. January1753. Double-page, folding at top. 20 x 39 inches. Contemporary colouring in outline. The coast of India.
22) Essai d’une Nouvelle Carte de la Mer Caspienne. November 1754. Single-page. 12 x 22 inches.
23) Golfe Persique. 1758. Double-page. 22 x 16 inches. Light contemporary colour/shading in outline.
24) Golfe Arabique ou Mer Rouge. 1765. Double-page. 22 x 28.5 inches.
25) Egypte nommee dans la pays Missir. 1765. Double-page. 22 x 28.5 inches. Contemporary colouring in outline.
26) Carte Particuliare de la Cote Occidentale de l’Afrique. 1751. Double-page, folding at top. 32 x 41 inches. Contemporary shading in outline.
27) Guinee. Entre Serre-Leone et la passage de La Ligne. 1775. Double-page. 32 x 22 inches. Contemporary shading in outline.
28) Canada Louisiane et Terres Angloises. November 1755. Double-page, folding on left side. 46 x 22 inches.
29) [Canada Louisiane et Terres Angloises – Southeast Section]. November 1755. Double-page. 33 x 22 inches. The lower (southeast) section of Map 28.
30) [Canada Louisiane et Terres Angloises] Le Fleuve Saint-Laurent. November 1744. Double-page. 24 x 22 inches. The fourth section of the Canada – Louisiane map, irregular in shape.
31) Carte de la Louisiane. 1752. Double-page, folding on right side. 37 x 22 inches.
32) Orbis Veteribus Notus. 1763. Double-page. 33 x 24 inches. Contemporary colouring in outline. The ancient world.
33) Orbis Romani Pars Occidentalis. 1763. Double-page. 22 x 28 inches. Contemporary colouring in outline.
34) Orbis Romani Pars Orientalis. 1764. Double-page. 22 x 28 inches. Contemporary colouring in outline.
35) Gallia Antiqua Ex Aevi Romani Monumentis. 1760. Double-page. 26 x 22 inches. Contemporary colouring in outline.
36) Tabula Italiae Antiquae Geographica. 1764. Double-page. 22 x 26 inches. Contemporary colouring in outline.
37) Graeciae Antiquae. Specimen Geographicum. 1762. Double-page. 20 x 22 inches. Contemporary colouring in outline.
38) Asiae, qua vulgo Minor dicitur, et Syriae. 1764. Double-page. 32 x 22.5 inches. Contemporary colouring in outline.
39) La Palestine. June 1767. Double-page. 24 x 19 inches. Contemporary colouring in outline.
40) Aegyptus Antiqua. 1765. Single page. 16 x 22 inches. Light contemporary colouring in outline.
41) Ad Antiquam Indiae, Geographiam Tabula. 1765. Single page. 16.5 x 20 inches. Contemporary colouring in outline.
42) Germanie, France, Italie, Espagne, Isles Britanniques. 1771. Double-page. 20 x 23 inches. Contemporary colouring in outline.