# 46534
BALANGERO, Giovanni Battista
Australia e Ceylan : studi e ricordi di tredici anni di missione.
Torino : G. B. Paravia & C., [March, 1924]. Large octavo (235 x 165 mm) publisher’s pictorial wrappers (upper wrapper with early ownership signature, otherwise very good); pp. xiv, [2], 386, [1]; with numerous b/w lithographed illustrations and several colour maps; text in Italian; occasional spotting, an excellent example.
Memoir of a northern Italian Catholic missionary, Giovanni Battista Balangero, who left Italy in 1872 and spent 13 years working and travelling in Australia, Ceylon and the Middle East. Balangero worked as a missionary for two years at Ravenswood, Queensland (in the hinterland south of Townsville) and he provides valuable eyewitness accounts of local Aborigines and their culture and of gold mining activities, in particular.
Trove locates one copy of this 1924 edition (NLA), which reproduces the first edition of 1897 by the same publisher.