# 45033
[HUGHES, Robert; Queensland Art Gallery]
Australian painting today : a survey of the past ten years
$25.00 AUD
[Brisbane : Printed by Rowan Morcom, 1963]. Quarto, illustrated wrappers (foxed and silverfished), 27 pp, b/w illustrations.
Catalogue of an exhibition arranged by the Queensland Art Gallery with the cooperation of the State art galleries and the Commonwealth Art Advisory Board which toured Australia and Europe from 1963 to 1965. The catalogue has an introduction by Robert Hughes and lists 80 works by Blackman, Boyd, Crooke, Coburn, Daws, Dickerson, Fairweather, Drysdale, French, Grey-Smith, Herman, Robert Hughes, Lynn, Molvig, Nolan, Rees, Olsen, Passmore, Pugh, Tucker, Whiteley, Williams et al.