# 42640
LAVERTY, Colin and Elizabeth, et al
Beyond Sacred. Recent paintings from Australia’s remote Aboriginal communities : the collection of Colin and Elizabeth Laverty
$175.00 AUD
Melbourne : Hardie Grant Books, 2008. First edition. Folio (34 cm tall), boards in diecut folding dustjacket (very lightly marked), illustrated endpapers, pp. [viii]; 352, extensively illustrated.
A comprehensive, visually stunning survey of recent Aboriginal art, with images of more than 250 paintings. It tells the story of Aboriginal art and its growing presence in the contemporary art scene. Works are featured from internationally renowned artists, as well newer discoveries. Edited by Colin and Elizabeth Laverty. Contributions from Judith Ryan, Nick Waterlow, Will Owen, Howard Morphy and community art coordinators such as Apolline Kohen, Will Stubbs and Andrew Blake, Emily Rohr, Tony Oliver, Paul Sweeney and John Carty (among others).
- The Laverty Collection: exploring the qualities of Aboriginal art / Howard Morphy
- Transmuted traditions: the modernity of Australian Aboriginal art / Will Owen
- The contemporary and Aboriginal art / Nick Waterlow
- Shock of the ancient made new / Judith Ryan
- Art of the Central, Western and Northern Deserts: Papunya, Kintore (Walungurru), Kiwirrkura, Alice Springs, Yuendumu, Utopia, Irrunytju, Warburton, Wirrimanu (Balgo), Lajamanu
- Art of the Kimberley: Bidyadanga, Fitzroy Crossing, Halls Creek, Warmun (Turkey Creek), Crocodile Hole, Kununurra
- Art of the North, including Arnhem Land: Peppimenarti, Darwin, Melville Island, Maningrida, Yirrkala, Elcho Island, Ngukurr, Mornington Island Australia: Regions and Aboriginal Communities.