# 46695
BAGLIONE, Gabrielle et al.
Charles-Alexandre Lesueur. Painter and naturalist : a forgotten treasure
$79.95 AUD
[Paris] : MKF Editions, [2016]. Quarto, pictorial laminated boards, pp. 392, illustrated. New copy. Text by Gabrielle Baglione, Cédric Crémière ; translated from French into English by Jean Fornasiero & John West-Sooby.
On 19 October 1800, Charles-Alexandre Lesueur set sail on a voyage of discovery to the Southern Lands led by Nicolas Baudin. He soon demonstrated his talents as a natural history artist. Driven by an insatiable curiosity, during a golden age for natural history and learned societies, he travelled constantly throughout his life. His sketchbooks and vellums provide a record of the animals, landscapes and indigenous people he encountered.