# 46755
Compendio de los sucesos, que con grande gloria de Dios, lustre y honor de las Catholicas Reales Armas de S.M., en defensa de estas Christiandades, e islas de Bisayas, se consiguieron contra los Mahometanos enemigos, por el armamento destacado al presidio de Yligan sobre las costas de la Isla de Mindanao, en el año de mil setecientos cinquenta y quatro.
Impresso en Manila : En la imprenta de la Compañia de Iesus por don Nicolas de la Cruz Bagay, 1755. Small quarto, early twentieth century quarter morocco over papered boards, spine with raised bands and gilt lettering, extremities slightly rubbed; pp [23]; blank, printed on rice paper; additional blank leaves by the binder, a fine copy.
A report from January 1755 on the campaigns of the previous year against the Moros, who had carried out raids against the missions of Mindanao and the Bisayas. Of unknown authorship, it describes the Jesuit Joseph Ducos’ defence of the missions and the counterattack by the Spanish under the command of Pedro Alcántara Pérez against the Moros in the Visayan Islands. The report was reprinted in Barcelona later in 1755.
Rare, with no copy appearing at auction since 1982 (Rare Book Hub).
Jose, Impreso, 653; Pardo de Tavera, Biblioteca Filipina, 680: “obra muy rara”; Medina, Manila, 252; Retana 1906: 305; Palau 58402