# 42444
HEINE, Wilhelm
Die Expedition in die Seen von China, Japan und Ochotsk unter Commando von Commodore Colin Ringgold und Commodore John Rodgers, im Auftrage der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten, unternommen in den Jahren 1853 bis 1856,
$450.00 AUD
unter Zuziehung der officiellen Autoritäten und Quellen. Deutsche Original-Ausgabe von Wilhelm Heine. Leipzig : Hermann Costenoble (Band 1) / Otto Purfürst (Bände 2-3), 1858-59. Three volumes, large octavo (245 x 175 mm), uniform publisher’s bindings of blind-blocked pebbled cloth with gilt-decorated and -lettered spines (rubbed and lightly marked, spines sunned); Band 1. XX, 330 pp., with 10 wood-engraved plates and 2 folding maps; Band 2. VIII, 391 pp., with 10 plates and one folding map; Band 3. VII, 424 pp., with 12 plates and 3 folding maps; front free-endpapers with early German ownership signature, title-page of first volume with early German bookseller’s stamp; light scattered foxing throughout, a good set.
First German edition of the account of the Rodgers-Ringgold expedition (also known as the North Pacific Exploring and Surveying Expedition), 1853-56. The third (supplementary) volume includes the account of Perry McDonough Collins’ exploration of the Amur region in the Russian far east in 1857.
Cordier, Japonica, 516