# 41554


En utvandrares äfventyr samt efter skeppsbrottet. Två berättelser från Australien.

$275.00 AUD

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Öfversättning. [=An emigrant’s adventure and After the shipwreck. Two stories from Australia. Translation]. Stockholm : S. Flodins boktryckeri, 1873. Small octavo (183 x 120 mm), contemporary marbled papered boards, black leather spine repaired with black tape; pp. [4], 95; text in Swedish (translated from the German); inner hinges a little weak, front pastedown with mark caused by a removed bookplate or label, pale water stains to upper outer corners of pp. 39-56, otherwise internally very good; a couple of unidentified stamps and ownership signature of W. Wellingk;

This was the seventh book in the series published by Flodin under the title Favoritlektyr för ungdom (=Favourite reading for young people). The German originals were published in 1871 (Listner, Erlebnisse in Australien. Reiseerinnerungen) and 1871 (Gerstäcker, Nach dem Schiffbruch. Nordaustralischer Abenteur), respectively.