# 46391


[MADAGASCAR] Ohabolana, or Malagasy proverbs, illustrating the wit and wisdom of the Hova of Madagascar. Parts I and II

$650.00 AUD

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/ collected, translated, and arranged by J.A. Houlder ; with translations into French by Henri Noyer ; edited by James Sibree. Faravohitra, Antananarivo : Printed and published at the press of the Friends’ Foreign Missionary Association, 1915-1916. First edition (first printing). Two volumes bound in one, octavo (220 x 145 mm), red cloth over red papered boards (corners bumped), spine (faded) with old printed title piece (chipped); pastedown with ex libris of Lt. Colonel V.S.M. de Guinzbourg; each part with two title pages, one in French the other in English; pp. [vii], 146, [iii] ; [v], 141, [v], [iv]; light foxing to endpapers, otherwise very clean throughout.

Scarce Madagascar imprint.