# 43025
REID, Barrie
Modern Australian Art. A Melbourne collection of paintings and drawings.
$60.00 AUD
Edited, with an introduction, by Barrie Reid. Melbourne: Museum of Modern Art of Australia, 1958. Quarto, wrappers (marked and foxed), 72 pages illustrated in black and white. Design and typography by Peter Burns.
The first publication of the Museum of Modern Art (now known as the Heide Museum of Modern Art. Includes short essays, portrait photographs and reproductions of the work of: Charles Blackman, Arthur Boyd, John Perceval, Joy Hester, Danila Vassilieff, Ian Fairweather, Fred Williams, Albert Tucker, John Brack, Robert Dickerson, James Gleeson, and many others including Sidney Nolan. 45 paintings and drawings by Nolan are catalogued, more than any other artist, including the Ned Kelly series, as to be expected from his long friendship with John and Sunday Reed.