# 42998

[LEBER, Sylvie]

Public petition for Melbourne community radio station 3RRR to reinstate the women’s programme “Give Men-a-Pause”, 1981.

$35.00 AUD

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[Melbourne : s.n., 1981]. Foolscap folio sheet, Xerox-printed recto only; old horizontal fold; fine condition.

The 3RRR women’s programme “Give Men-a-Pause” ran from 1979-1981. It was founded and hosted by Sylvie Leber, a Melbourne women’s rights activist who, among many other activities, was involved in the creation of Victoria’s first rape crisis centre and the Women’s Theatre Group. She was also a member of all-female rock band Toxic Shock.

To the Board of Directors – 3RRR. We are a group of listeners who are extremely concerned that Give Men-a-Pause is being taken off air. Give Men-a-Pause fills a definite need in Melbourne radio. Not only do many women listen to the programme – for the generally inaccessible music, information, information (sports, the arts, events) and specific interest areas – but a great many men are also avid listeners. Criticism may be levelled at the informal presentation style, but in our opinion, that is one of the most appealing facets of the programme. There is a great inequality in the time devoted to women’s issue’s and women’s music generally – an inequality, it seems, that 3RRR-FM is intent on perpetrating [sic]. We presume that half your total listening audience are women and would suggest that by taking Give Men-a-Pause off air, a large number of women will cease listening to 3RRR-FM and also numbers of men.