# 42456
Nueva-España. Tribunal de Minería
Reales ordenanzas para la direccion, regimen y gobierno del importante cuerpo de la mineria de Nueva-España
$1,500.00 AUD
: y de su real tribunal general : de orden de su magestad. Lima : [s.n.], Año de 1785 [i.e. 1786, with contemporary ms correction on title]. Folio (295 x 200 mm), contemporary half calf over marbled papered boards (rubbed), spine with contrasting leather title-piece lettered in gilt and gilt bands; marbled endpapers, front pastedown with bookplate of Pedro Fernandez Reciolix; title with engraved royal coat of arms; pp. 196; [bound with] Real orden de 8 de diciembre de 1785, y declaraciones en su cumplimiento hechas para adaptar la ordenanza de mineria de Nueva-España a el virreinato de Lima año de 1786; separate title leaf; pp. 2, 51, 5; both works are very fine, wide-margined copies.
Royal ordinances for mining in New Spain, originally published in Madrid in 1783. These are the first Lima editions. A second (quarto) edition appeared later the same year.
Medina, Lima, 1635 (recording both titles together); Sabin 56260: “A rare and valuable compendium of the old mining laws and mineral customs, printed only for the use of the parties concerned.”