# 42710
STUERZL, Jennifer (1956 - )
River mangroves mud
$3,600.00 AUD
[Brisbane : the artist, 2020]. Artist’s book, handbound by David Bedford in salvaged mangrove wood (with salvage permit reference numbers included), stitch binding by the artist, pp. [16], handprinted sheets with collage, concrete poem in manuscript by Jennifer Stuerzl inside upper board, manuscript map of the Brisbane River to lower board, a stunning book housed in a custom slipcase with mixed media panel.
‘Painted in 2020 during COVID lockdown – a response to Maiwar the Brisbane River near my home and sensations & feelings at this time. Book is hand stitched by the artist in salvaged mangrove wood showing growth patterns over many years. River mangrove mud was created in 2020 as a response to living near the Brisbane River. The lockdown in the early months meant that more time was spent at home near the river. The work focuses on the mangroves & mud – the river sediment and the tidal flow of the river. The sensation of mud & habitat of birds & inflow & outflow are evoked. The wash includes painting with watered down synthetic polymer & river sediment. It also includes river prints of mud that are collaged into the paintings.
This remarkable artist’s book won the Response to Text Prize at the Firestation Print Studio Artists Book Prize 2020.
‘The text in Stuerzi’s artist book tells us she is taking us on a journey down a Queensland river filled with mangroves and mud, a place close to the artist’s heart filled with memories of home. Her watercolours wash over the pages and lap at their imperfect edges, the blues and greens muddied and thickened with sediment sourced from the river. Her book is cased in planks of timber recycled from old mangrove trees, the materials of her book not only responding to the text but inhabiting it, the elements of the river inherent in the book itself. Stuerzi’s book doesn’t reflect the river, it is the river, it is the mangroves, reshaped and crafted to tell the story of its journey.’ – Douglas Stewart, Judge, Firestation Print Studio Artists Book Prize 2020
‘This sophisticated artist book successfully integrates elements of hand written text with delicate images from the natural world. We were instantly engaged with the materiality of the book, immersed in nature and the river flow, reminded of the artists rich appreciation of environmental concerns, connection to place and personal exploration of the fragile ecosystems.’ – Diane Soumilas, Curator, Glen Eira City Council, Judge, Firestation Print Studio Artists Book Prize 2020.
Exhibited : Firestation Print Studio Artists Book Prize 2020, data. no. 22 (Winner : Response to Text Prize)