# 39126


Sammelband of Hong Kong newspapers, 1845-54

$30,000.00 AUD

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A Sammelband of fifty-four individual issues of newspapers published in Hong Kong between 1845 and 1854, comprising twenty issues of the Overland Register, and Price Current and thirty-four issues of The Hongkong Register; together with two issues of newspapers published in India in 1852 and 1853. Large folio (510 x 340 mm), custom modern binding of black cloth over boards with gilt-lettered morocco title piece to front. A few tears along the folds to preliminary issues.


Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by John Cairns, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1845. Overland Register, and Price Current. No. 2, 30 September 1845. Folio (420 x 260 mm), pp. 9-12.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by John Cairns, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1845. Supplement to the Overland Register, and Price Current. 30 September 1845. Folio (420 x 260 mm), pp. [2] (second blank).

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by John Cairns, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1846. Overland Register, and Price Current. No. 6, 31 January 1846. Folio (400 x 250 mm), pp. 33-36.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by John Cairns, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1846. Supplement to the Overland Register, and Price Current. No. 6, 31 January 1846. Folio (400 x 250 mm), pp. [2].

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by John Cairns, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1848. Overland Register, and Price Current. Vol. 3, no. 10, 29 October 1848. Folio (400 x 250 mm), pp. 37-40.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by John Cairns, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1848. Supplement to the Overland Register, and Price Current, No. 10. [29 October 1848]. Folio (420 x 260 mm), pp. [2] (second blank).

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1851. The Overland Register, and Price Current. Vol. 6, no. 4, 23 April 1851. Folio (400 x 250 mm), pp. 15-18.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1851. The Overland Register, and Price Current. Vol. 6, no. 7, 23 July 1851. Folio (400 x 250 mm), pp. 27-30.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1852. The Overland Register, and Price Current. Vol. 7, no. 9, 28 September 1852. Folio (400 x 250 mm), pp. 44-49.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1853. The Overland Register, and Price Current. Vol. 8, no. 5, 11 March 1853. Folio (400 x 250 mm), pp. 17-20.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1853. The Overland Register, and Price Current. Vol. 8, no. 6, 28 March 1853. Folio (400 x 250 mm), pp. 21-24.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1853. The Overland Register, and Price Current. Vol. 8, no. 8, 22 April 1853. Folio (400 x 250 mm), pp. 29-32.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1853. The Overland Register, and Price Current. Vol. 8, no. 9, 5 May 1853. Folio (400 x 250 mm), pp. 33-36.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1853. The Overland Register, and Price Current. Vol. 8, no. 12, 23 June 1853. Folio (400 x 250 mm), pp. 47-50.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1853. The Overland Register, and Price Current. Vol. 8, no. 14, 23 July 1853. Folio (400 x 250 mm), pp. 55-58.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1853. The Overland Register, and Price Current. Vol. 8, no. 15, 6 August 1853. Folio (400 x 250 mm), pp. 59-62.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1853. The Overland Register, and Price Current. Vol. 8, no. 22, 27 November 1853. Folio (400 x 250 mm), pp. 96-101; fine.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1854. The Overland Register, and Price Current. Vol. 9, no. 5, 25 February 1854. Folio (400 x 250 mm), pp. 13-16.

[Victoria, Hong Kong : Hongkong Register Office, 1854]. [Supplement to] The Overland Register and Price Current. (From the Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 11). pp. [17-18] (second blank); fine. ‘Return of British trade at the Port of Foochow during the year ended 31st December 1853’.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1854. The Overland Register, and Price Current. Vol. 9, no. 6, 27 March 1854. Folio (400 x 250 mm), pp. 22-23 (lacking 24-25).



Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by John Cairns, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1846. The Hongkong Register, Vol. 19, no. 1, 6 January 1846, no. 786. Folio (480 x 320 mm), pp. 1-4; fine.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by John Cairns, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1846. The Hongkong Register, Vol. 19, no. 2, 13 January 1846, no. 787. Folio (480 x 320 mm), pp. 5-8; a few marginal tears, else fine.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Printed at the Hongkong Register Office, 1846. Supplement to The Hongkong Register, no. 2, 13 January 1846. Folio (480 x 320 mm), pp. [2]; horizontal tear (no loss of text), else fine.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by John Cairns, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1846. The Hongkong Register, Vol. 19, no. 3, 20 January 1846, no. 788. Folio (480 x 320 mm), pp. 9-12; fine.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by John Cairns, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1848. The Hongkong Register, Vol. 21, no. 40, 3 October 1848, no. 934. Folio (480 x 320 mm), pp. 157-160; fine.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by John Cairns, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1848. The Hongkong Register, Vol. 21, no. 41, 10 October 1848, no. 935. Folio (480 x 320 mm), pp. 161-164; fine.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by John Cairns, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1848. The Hongkong Register, Vol. 21, no. 42, 17 October 1848, no. 936. Folio (480 x 320 mm), pp. 165-168; fine.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by John Cairns, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1848. The Hongkong Register, Vol. 21, no. 43, 24 October 1848, no. 937. Folio (480 x 320 mm), pp. 169-172; fine.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1851. The Hongkong Register, Vol. 24, no. 13, 1 April 1851, no. 1064. Folio (480 x 320 mm), pp. 49-52; fine.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1851. The Hongkong Register, Vol. 24, no. 14, 8 April 1851, no. 1065. Folio (480 x 320 mm), pp. 53-56; fine.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1851. The Hongkong Register, Vol. 24, no. 16, 22 April 1851, no. 1067. Folio (480 x 320 mm), pp. 61-64; fine.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1851. The Hongkong Register, Vol. 24, no. 33, 19 August 1851, no. 1084. Folio (480 x 320 mm), pp. 129-132; some toning, short tear at fore-edge margin of first leaf, else fine.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1852. The Hongkong Register, Vol. 25, no. 36, 7 September 1852, no. 1139. Folio (480 x 320 mm), pp. 141-144; fine.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1852. The Hongkong Register, Vol. 25, no. 37, 14 September 1852, no. 1149. Folio (480 x 320 mm), pp. 145-148; small perforation to first leaf with some loss of text, minor staining, else good.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1853. The Hongkong Register, Vol. 26, no. 3, 18 January 1853, no. 1158. Folio (480 x 320 mm), pp. 9-12; fine.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1853. The Hongkong Register, Vol. 26, no. 9, 1 March 1853, no. 1164. Folio (480 x 320 mm), pp. 33-36; fine.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1853. The Hongkong Register, Vol. 26, no. 10, 8 March 1853, no. 1165. Folio (480 x 320 mm), pp. 37-40; fine.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1853. The Hongkong Register, Vol. 26, no. 15, 12 April 1853, no. 1170. Folio (480 x 320 mm), pp. 57-60; fine.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1853. The Hongkong Register, Vol. 26, no. 17, 26 April 1853, no. 1172. Folio (480 x 320 mm), pp. 65-68; fine.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Printed at the Hongkong Register Office, 1853. Supplement to The Hongkong Register, 26 April 1853. Folio (480 x 320 mm), pp. [2] (second blank); fine.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1853. The Hongkong Register, Vol. 26, no. 18, 3 May 1853, no. 1173. Folio (480 x 320 mm), pp. 69-72; fine.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1853. The Hongkong Register, Vol. 26, no. 23, 7 June 1853, no. 1178. Folio (480 x 320 mm), pp. 89-92; fine.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1853. The Hongkong Register, Vol. 26, no. 24, 14 June 1853, no. 1179. Folio (480 x 320 mm), pp. 93-96; fine.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1853. The Hongkong Register, Vol. 26, no. 25, 21 June 1853, no. 1180. Folio (480 x 320 mm), pp. 97-100; fine.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1853. The Hongkong Register, Vol. 26, no. 28, 12 July 1853, no. 1183. Folio (480 x 320 mm), pp. 109-112; fine.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1853. The Hongkong Register, Vol. 26, no. 29, 19 July 1853, no. 1184. Folio (480 x 320 mm), pp. 113-116; fine.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1853. The Hongkong Register, Vol. 26, no. 31, 2 August 1853, no. 1186. Folio (480 x 320 mm), pp. 121-124; fine.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1853. The Hongkong Register, Vol. 26, no. 32, 9 August 1853, no. 1187. Folio (480 x 320 mm), pp. 125-128; fine.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1853. The Hongkong Register, Vol. 26, no. 42, 18 October 1853, no. 1197. Folio (480 x 320 mm), pp. 165-168; fine.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1854. The Hongkong Register, Vol. 27, no. 7, 14 February 1854, no. 1214. Folio (480 x 320 mm), pp. 25-28; fine.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1854. The Hongkong Register, Vol. 27, no. 8, 21 February 1854, no. 1215. Folio (480 x 320 mm), pp. 29-32; fine.

[Victoria, Hong Kong : Printed at the Hongkong Register Office, 1854]. Supplement to The Hongkong Register, 14 March 1854. Folio (480 x 320 mm), pp. [2] (second blank); fine.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1854. The Hongkong Register, Vol. 27, no. 11, 14 March 1854, no. 1218. Folio (480 x 320 mm), pp. 41-44; marginal tears to second leaf, else fine.

Victoria, Hong Kong : Edited, printed and published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, 1854. The Hongkong Register, Vol. 27, no. 12, 21 March 1854, no. 1219. Folio (480 x 320 mm), pp. 45-48; fine.



Bombay : printed and published for the proprietors by James Chesson at the Times’ Office, 1852. The Bombay Times, and Journal of Commerce. Daily Edition. Friday, June 25, 1852. Vol. 3, no. 256. Large folio (620 x 470 mm), pp. 593-596; horizontal and vertical folds (one with short tear), a couple of short perforations (minimal loss of text), but complete and clean.

Calcutta : printed and published at the Hurkaru Press by … John Gray, for the proprietor, Samuel Smith, 1853. The Bengal Hurkaru : Overland Summary of News. Calcutta, 2 July, 1853. Large folio (620 x 470 mm), pp. 49-52; horizontal and vertical folds (one with short tear), but complete and clean. ‘Published semi-monthly, on the latest safe dates for the Overland Mails for Europe’.