# 42597
CRAWFORD, Ashley (editor)
$220.00 AUD
Tension Magazine (and Visual Tension) a broken run of issues Nos 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 13 & 14, and the one-off issue Visual Tension. (issue 14 featuring Bill Henson)
Melbourne : The Virgin Press/The Xtension Partnership 1983-1988. Quarto, illustrated wrappers, light handling marks, each approximately 40 pp. A broken run of Ashley Crawford’s art/pop-culture magazine ‘Tension’ which ran from 1983-1990; includes Issues 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 13 & 14; also included here is the one-off issue Visual Tension; references a roll-call of 1980’s art and culture superstars, Iggy Pop, David Salle, Laughing Clowns, John Foxx, Nick Cave, Baudrillard, Haring, R.E.M., Wim Wenders, Eno, Lyotard, Robbe-Grillet, Joel-Peter Witkin, Malcolm McLaren, Mapplethorpe, Maria Kozic, John Schnabel, John Nixon, Scott Redford, Lotringer; issue 14 with an illustrated article on Bill Henson (and Henson front cover); the Visual Tension issue features work by Kozic, Tillers, Rooney, Booth, Tyndall, Shark Lewitt, Nixon, Arkley, Jenny Watson, and others, and was published to accompany the 1985 ACCA exhibition of the same name – the work of the artists is featured showing full-page images only, with no text or commentary, a deliberately provocative act in the midst of a theory-heavy art environment; other editors include Robert Barden, Terence Hogan, Stieg Persson, John Buckley. Scarce.
See further : https://acca.melbourne/text/acca-history/history-1985/rewind-visual-tension-19-february-18-march-1985/