# 46640


The game of British Empire, or, Trading with the Colonies

$550.00 AUD

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“Glevum” series.. [Gloucester] : [Roberts Bros / Glevum Games], circa 1920. Cardboard box 235 x 332 x 38 mm., lithographed pictorial title label. Instructions pasted inside the side, folding card game board 305 x 610 mm., printed in colour, with a map of the British Empire, die and shaker, three lead steamship game pieces, small printed card tokens with names of colonies and their exports.

‘Each player starts with a cargo from London and has to deliver same and take up from the colonies what they export’ – the upper board.

Attractive children’s game from the sunset years of the British Empire. The major exports of some of the  colonies are listed as : Sydney (Wool); Brisbane (Arrowroot); Melbourne (Gold); Tasmania (Copper); Adelaide (Silver); Freemantle (sic.) (Lead); Dunedin (Frozen Meat); Auckland (Flax); Fiji Isles (Bananas); New Guine (Pearls); Borneo (Pepper); Singapore (Coaling Station); Hong Kong (Coaling Station); Bombay (Rice) etc.

A single example recorded in Australian collections  (State Library of South Australia).

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