# 46580

MEDINA, Balthasar de

Vida martyrio, y beatificación del invicto proto-martyr de el Japan San Felipe de Jesús, patron de Mexico, su patria,

$1,500.00 AUD

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imperial corte de Nueva España en el Nuevo Mundo … Segunda Impressión … Madrid : en la imprenta de los Herederos de la Viuda de Juan García Infanzón, 1751. Quarto (205 x 145 mm), contemporary limp vellum (ties replaced); pp. [28], 176, with one engraved plate depicting the crucifixion of San Felipe; scattered light foxing, else contents very good; rear endpaper with early ownership inscription of Dr. Joseph, Guadalajara.

Second edition of a life of San Felipe de Jesús (1572-1597), the first Mexican-born saint, and the first native of the Americas to be canonized. San Felipe was one of a group of missionaries martyred in 1597 in Nagasaki. The first edition of this work was published in 1683 in Mexico.

Cordier, Japonica, 395; Palau 159375; Streit-Dindinger VI, 1446