# 46004
HUNT, Susan et al.
Lure of the southern seas : the voyages of Dumont D’Urville, 1826-1840
Sydney : Historic Houses Trust of New South Wales, 2002. Quarto, illustrated wrappers, pp. 141, illustrated.
# 42444
HEINE, Wilhelm
Die Expedition in die Seen von China, Japan und Ochotsk unter Commando von Commodore Colin Ringgold und Commodore John Rodgers, im Auftrage der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten, unternommen in den Jahren 1853 bis 1856,
unter Zuziehung der officiellen Autoritäten und Quellen. Deutsche Original-Ausgabe von Wilhelm Heine. Leipzig : Hermann Costenoble (Band 1) / Otto Purfürst (Bände 2-3), 1858-59. Three volumes, large octavo (245 x 175 mm), uniform publisher’s bindings of blind-blocked pebbled cloth with gilt-decorated and -lettered spines (rubbed and lightly marked, spines sunned); Band 1. XX, 330 pp., …
# 45766
BONNEMAINS, Jacqueline
Baudin in Australian Waters.
The artwork of the French voyage of discovery to the southern lands 1800 – 1804. With a complete descriptive catalogue of drawings and paintings of Australian subjects by C.-A. Lesueur and N.-M. Petit from the Lesueur Collection at the Museum d’Histoire Naturelle, Le Havre, France. Edited by Jacqueline Bonnemains, Elliott Forsyth and Bernard Smith. Melbourne …
# 44894
TASMAN, Abel Janszoon (1603 - 1659)
Abel Janszoon Tasman’s Journal of his discovery of Van Diemen’s Land and New Zealand in 1642.
With documents relating to his exploration of Australia in 1644 being photo-lithographic facsimiles of the original manuscript in the colonial archives at The Hague with an English translation and facsimiles of original maps to to which are added life and labours of Abel Janszoon Tasman by J. E. Heeres, Ll. D. Professor at the Dutch …
# 45459
The Melbourne Harbour Trust Commissioners. Reports of Royal Commissions on Noxious Trades, 1870 & 1871. Silting up of the Bay, 1871 & 1872. Low Lands, 1873. Commissioner Paterson.
Melbourne : Government Printer, 1870-75. Six Royal Commission reports printed for the Parliament of Victoria (itemised below). Foolscap folio (320 x 205 mm), in a special presentation binding for James Paterson, Melbourne Harbour Trust Commissioner, of limp maroon morocco with double-gilt rule (some light staining and moderate wear), cover stamped in gilt ‘The Melbourne Harbour …
# 45527
WALTER, Charles (Carl) (1831-1907)
Whaling scene at Twofold Bay, Eden, New South Wales, 1870.
Stereoscopic albumen print photograph, each image approximately 82 x 82 mm (square format), signed and numbered by the photographer at lower right of the right-hand image ‘C. Walter 166’; on original black card mount, 87 x 177 mm, verso blank; slight loss of contrast in the upper part of each image, otherwise the prints are …
# 38366
[MANUSCRIPT] A Journal or Narrative of the Proceedings betweene the Commissioners appointed by His Majestie, and the Commissioners Deputed by the States Generall, pursuant to the Treaty of Peace made at Westminster 9/19 Ffebruary 1673/4 Concerning a Treaty Marine to be observed throughout all the World. And also an Article particularly relateing to the English and Dutch East India Companyes Concluded in the yeare 1674.
[London, 1674-75]. Folio (300 x 200 mm), old mottled calf gilt, spine with raised bands, gilt ornament, and contrasting title labels lettered in gilt; all edges gilt; manuscript written in English, Latin, Dutch and French in several contemporary secretarial hands; ff 269; clean and fresh throughout. An important contemporary manuscript record of the Mixed Commission established to draw up …
# 17953
DAM, Meyndert van; STICHTER, Cornelis
A VOC ship’s binding from the Chamber of Amsterdam.
d’Erven Stichters Comptoir Almanach, Voor ‘t Jaar 1800. Voorzien van eene aanwyzing der Jaar-, Paarden-, Beesten- en Leermarkten, welke in de Bataafsche Republiek gehouden worden, als mede de Vacantien, het Varen der Trekschuyten en Beurtschepen, het vertrek der Posten en Postwagens. Nevens de maans op- en ondergang. Te Amsterdam : by de erfgen. van de Wed. C. Stichter, …
# 44874
COGNE, Francois (1829–1883); TROEDEL, Charles (1836-1906)
Sandridge from Hobson’s Bay (1863)
Tinted lithograph, printed on stone, 26.6 × 35.7 cm (image); 28.0 × 37.1 cm (outer framing line); 40.1 × 52.3 cm (sheet), a few spots of foxing, old repaired tear extending to the edge of the image upper right, mounted. A fine, animated view of Sandridge (now called Port Melbourne), from Troedel’s The Melbourne album …
# 45075
Emigrantskeppet Atlantis undergång.
Stockholm : Adolf Johnsons Förlag, 1895. Series: Folkskrifter no. 18. Duodecimo (142 x 94 mm), publisher’s pictorial yellow wrappers (a few tiny nicks at edges), pp. 21, [10 publisher’s ads.]; illustrated title-page (repeating cover illustration); text in Swedish; a fine copy. Adventure story for juvenile readers about the loss of an emigrant ship in the …
# 45179
JOPPIEN, Rüdiger and SMITH, Bernard
The art of Captain Cook’s voyages (four volume set)
Volume one : The voyage of the Endeavour 1768 – 1771. With a descriptive catalogue of all the known drawings of peoples, places, artefacts and events and the original engravings associated with them. Melbourne : Oxford University Press, 1985 (reprint). Folio, cloth in dust jacket, pp. xv; 247, illustrated. Volume two : The voyage of …
# 45103
William Bligh
/ av Rolf Du Rietz. Åbo : Åbo Tidnings och Tryckeri, [1955?]. “Särtryck ur Finsk Tidskrift, H. 6, 1955” [=Reprinted from: Finsk Tidskrift, vol. 6 (1955)]. Octavo (210 x 145 mm), stapled wrappers, pp. 298-303; text in Swedish; at foot of text is written in blue pen (in the hand of Rolf Du Rietz) ‘Uppsala 1954’; …
# 45146
WEBSTER, E. H. (Edwin Herbert), 1864-1947; NORMAN, L. (Leslie)
A hundred years of yachting
/ compiled by E. H. Webster and L. Norman. Hobart : Printed by J. Walch, 1936. “Issued under the auspices of the Government of Tasmania, the Hobart Marine Board, and the Hobart City Council.” Octavo, publisher’s lettered blue cloth over boards, spine a little sunned, endpapers with mild foxing, pp 256, b/w photographic illustrations, folding …
# 44443
WHARTON, Captain W. J. L.
Captain Cook’s journal during his first voyage round the world made in H. M. Bark “Endeavour” 1768 – 71.
A literal transcription of the original MSS. With notes and introduction. Illustrated by maps and facsimiles. London : Elliot Stock, 1893. Large octavo, contemporary blue half calf over marbled papered boards (edges rubbed), spine in compartments, ruled in gilt, contrasting Morocco title label, lettered in gilt, pp. lvi; 400; maps and plates, lacking the three …
# 44418
BAYLISS, Charles
Ships from the “Sydney Wool Fleet” at anchor in Darling Harbour. 15 September 1891.
Large format albumen print photograph, 210 x 290 mm; captioned in manuscript in the negative across the lower edge: ‘Sept. 15th 1891. Wilcannia / Rodney / Illawarra / Hubbock / Woolloomooloo / Tartar’, and with the photographer’s name ‘C. Bayliss Photo.’ at lower right; in good condition, laid down on the original card mount removed …
# 44130
RIGBY, Nigel et al.
Pioneers of the Pacific : voyages of exploration 1787 – 1810
Perth : University of Western Australia Press, 2005. Quarto, boards in illustrated dustjacket, pp. 144, illustrated, a fine copy. ‘Due to the dominance of Captain Cook’s Pacific exploration, many voyages of science and exploration following him to the Pacific have not received the attention they deserved. This title aims to correct this imbalance through the …