# 42374
SPILBERGEN, Joris van (1568-1620)
Speculum orientalis occidentalisque Indiae navigationum.
Lugduni Batavorum [i.e. Leiden] : Nicolaus van Geelkercken, 1619. Small oblong quarto (190 x 250 mm), contemporary limp vellum with early manuscript title and collection number to spine; title with large engraved vignette (early ownership signature to upper margin); pp. [4] (blank), 175, [5] (blank); with folding engraved world map and a further 24 engraved …
# 38432
LINSCHOTEN, Jan Huygen van (1563-1611)
Histoire de la Navigation de Jean Hugues de Linschot Hollandois, aux Indes Orientales.
Contenant diverses descriptions des lieux jusques à présent descouverts par les Portugais: observations des Coustumes & singularitez de delà, & autres declarations … … Troisieme édition, augmentée. Amsterdam: Evert Cloppenburgh, 1638. Three parts in one volume, folio (310 x 200 mm), contemporary mottled calf (rubbed), spine in compartments with ornate gilt decoration and lettering; edges speckled …
# 42701
DAMPIER, William (1651-1715)
A collection of voyages. In four volumes.
I. Captain William Dampier’s voyages round the world : describing particularly, the coasts and Islands in the East and West-Indies. The South-Sea coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico. The countries of Tonquin, Achin and Malacca. The Cape of Good Hope, New-Holland, &c. II. The voyages of Lionel Wafer; giving an account of his being left …
# 38367
CALLANDER, John (1722–1789)
Terra Australis Cognita : or, voyages to the Terra Australis, or Southern Hemisphere, during the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth Centuries.
Containing an account of the manners of the people, and the productions of the countries, hitherto found in the Southern latitudes; the advantages that may result from further discoveries on this great continent, and the methods of establishing colonies there, to the advantage of Great Britain. With a preface by the Editor, in which some …
# 42458
[HARVEY, William, 1752-1807]
Midshipman William Harvey, sailor on all three voyages of Captain Cook : his watercolour portrait and snuff box.
Watercolour on paper, 247 x 227 mm, in an early gilded wood and gesso frame, inscribed verso Midshipman Hardy [sic] of Ct. Cook’s Ship Discovery 1779. Exhibited: Endeavour voyage: the untold stories of Cook and the First Australians. National Museum of Australia, Canberra, 2 June 2020 – 26 April 2021. Reference: Coates, Ian (editor). Endeavour voyage, the …
# 41535
SPARRMAN, Anders (1747-1820)
Resa till Goda Hopps-Udden, södra pol-kretsen och omkring jordklotet, samt till Hottentott- och Caffer-landen, åren 1772-76.
Stockholm : Anders J. Nordström, 1783; Carl Deleen, 1802 – 1818. Octavo, three volumes, fine early nineteenth century Swedish half-calf over marbled boards, spines in compartments with contrasting red morocco title labels, the last two volumes bound in uniform, with the volume numbers I; II reversed by the binder, a fine set in early bindings …
# 41117
FOWELL, Newton Digby (1768-1790)
[FIRST FLEET] Midshipman Newton Fowell, on board HMS Sirius at sea, off Rio de Janeiro, 6 August 1787: autograph letter signed, addressed to his father, John Fowell.
Entire letter, 1 page, quarto, manuscript in ink on the first side of a bifolium, laid paper watermarked with Britannia and GR surmounted by crown; dated 6 August 1787 and signed N. Fowell, addressed to John Fowell Esq., Black Hall, S. Brent, Devonshire, England, with DOVER/SHIP-LRE hand-stamp on the face and rated in ms. 1/7 (to be …
# 44369
MARSHALL, John (1748-1819) (attributed)
[FIRST FLEET] Manuscript map showing the track of the ship “Scarborough” on its return voyage from Port Jackson in 1788.
Manuscript chart showing the track of a ship [the Scarborough] on a voyage from Port Jackson to Canton [in 1788], on verso of printed map A New Chart of the Southern Coast of Africa, From The Cape of Good Hope To Dalagoa Bay; with the Bank of Cape Agulhas … (1781); 627 x 848 mm …
# 31523
PHILLIP, Arthur (1738-1814)
The Voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany Bay (first edition, coloured)
with an account of the establishment of the Colonies of Port Jackson & Norfolk Island; compiled from authentic papers, which have been obtained from the several departments, to which are added, the journals of Lieuts. Shortland, Watts, Ball, & Capt. Marshall; with an account of their new discoveries. London : John Stockdale, 1789. Quarto, contemporary …
# 42451
DIXON, George
A Voyage Round the World; but more particularly to the north-west coast of America: performed in 1785, 1786, 1787, and 1788, in the King George and Queen Charlotte, Captains Portlock and Dixon.
Dedicated, by permission, to Sir Joseph Banks, Bart., by Captain George Dixon. London : Published by Geo. Goulding, 1789. Second edition. Quarto, full diced russia, ruled in gilt, masterfully rebacked, spine in compartments with raised bands, elaborate gilt ornamentation and contrasting morocco title label lettered in gilt, gilt dentelles; marbled edges and endpapers; presentation inscription …
# 26694
WHITE, John (1756-1832)
Journal of a voyage to New South Wales (deluxe coloured edition)
/ with sixty-five plates of non descript animals, birds, lizards, serpents, curious cones of trees and other natural productions by John White Esqre., Surgeon General to the settlement. London : J. Debrett, 1790. Quarto, in an Italian binding of full white vellum, contrasting morocco title labels, decorated in gilt, engraved map from 1802 of the …
# 42955
BLIGH, William (1754-1817)
[BLIGH’S COPY]. A voyage to the South Sea, undertaken by command of His Majesty, for the purpose of conveying the bread-fruit tree to the West Indies, in His Majesty’s ship the Bounty, commanded by Lieutenant William Bligh.
Including an account of the mutiny on board the said ship, and the subsequent voyage of part of the crew, in the ship’s boat, from Tofoa, one of the Friendly Islands, to Timor, a Dutch settlement in the East Indies. The whole illustrated with charts, &c. Published by permission of the Lords Commissioners of the …
# 29226
HUNTER, John (1737-1821)
An historical journal of the transactions at Port Jackson and Norfolk Island,
with the discoveries which have been made in New South Wales and in the Southern Ocean, since the publication of Phillip’s Voyage, compiled from the official papers; including the journals of Governors Phillip and King, and of Lieut. Ball; and the voyages from the first sailing of the Sirius in 1787, to the return of …
# 44046
LISIANSKY, Urey (1773-1837)
A voyage round the world, in the years 1803, 4, 5, & 6; performed, by order of His Imperial Majesty Alexander the First, emperor of Russia, in the ship Neva.
London : John Booth … and Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown, 1814. First edition in English. Quarto (285 x 220 mm), modern half calf, spine in compartments with raised bands and gilt rule, contrasting morocco title label lettered in gilt, marbled boards; speckled edges; preliminaries (2 blanks, frontispiece portrait of Lisianskii); xxi; [blank]; [ii], …
# 44120
RIENITS, Rex and Thea
Early artists of Australia (presentation copy for Russell Drysdale)
Sydney : Angus & Robertson, 1963. Quarto, cloth in illustrated dustjacket (light edge wear, chips to head and foot of spine, a little more than evident in the photo), patterned endpapers,, pp. x; 246, illustrated. A good copy. Presentation copy, signed and inscribed from the authors ‘Maisie and Tass with lots of love from Rex …
# 43311
[WHALING] Pratique de la pèche de la baleine dans les mers du sud.
Paris : Lecointe et Pougin, 1833. First edition. Octavo (225 x 145 mm), original yellow wrappers lettered in black, the upper wrapper with a presentation inscription from the author to his friend: ‘offert par l’auteur a son ami Edouard Launet(?)’; title-page with vignette engraving of a a whaling scene, pp. xvi, 280; text in French; …