Australian Art - General

  • # 43620

    KEMPF, Franz (President)

    Contemporary Art Society of Australia (S.A.) Inc. Broadsheet. October 1966

    [Adelaide] : Contemporary Art Society of South Australia, 1966. Octavo, decorated wrappers, pp. [8] printed roneo, includes local art news.

  • # 43617

    JOHN, Augustus et al.

    Exhibition of British Contemporary Art 1932

    Melbourne : Victorian Artists’ Society, 1932. Octavo, folding pp. [8], central creases and some wear. Includes works by S. J. Lamorna Birch, Harold Harvey, Terrick Williams, Harry Watson, Sydney Thompson, Dame Laura Knight, Emily Court, Charles Bryant, Henry Lamb, Richard Sickert, William Nicholson, Augustus John, George W. Lambert, W. Russell Flint, Muirhead Bone, Frances Hodgkins …

  • # 43540

    JONES, Rhys

    The Tasmanian Aboriginal in Art

    Hobart : Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, 1976. Quarto, illustrated wrappers, pp. 24, illustrated. Text by Rhys Jones. Catalogue of 115 works, including works by Arago, Bock, Becker, Dowling, Duterrau, Glover, Gould, Lesueur, Simkinson de Wesselow, Webber and photographs by Nixon, Winter, Woolley, and others. Note : this copy has heavy creases to the covers …

  • # 43487

    MINCHIN, Jan

    The art of Rupert Bunny and E. Phillips Fox

    Melbourne : National Gallery of Victoria, 1984. Quarto, wrappers with staple binding, [pp.14]. Catalogue of 47 works by Rupert Bunny and E. Phillips Fox, with essay by Jan Minchin.

  • # 43474

    COLE, Dr. F. Hobill

    Catalogue of original paintings & drawings by early Australian artists from the art collection of Dr. F. Hobill Cole.

    [Cover title : The Dr. F. Hobill Cole collection of early Australian pictures]. Melbourne : The Fine Art Society in conjunction with Leonard Joel, 1923. Quarto, lettered wrappers lettered in pen along spine, light marks), pp. 30, scattered foxing, tipped-in colour and black and white illustrations. Includes works by Henry Burn, S. T. Gill, J. …

  • # 42679

    THOMAS, David

    Barry Weston / Jihad Muhammad John Armstrong

    Bendigo : Bendigo Art Gallery, 1993. Exhibition catalogue, folded sheet, folio, pp. [8], illustrated in sepia, catalogue.

  • # 43297

    JONES, Rhys

    The Tasmanian Aboriginal in Art

    Hobart : Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, 1976. Quarto, illustrated wrappers, pp. 24, illustrated. Text by Rhys Jones. Catalogue of 115 works, including works by Arago, Bock, Becker, Dowling, Duterrau, Glover, Gould, Lesueur, Simkinson de Wesselow, Webber and photographs by Nixon, Winter, Woolley, and others.

  • # 42597

    CRAWFORD, Ashley (editor)


    Tension Magazine (and Visual Tension) a broken run of issues Nos 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 13 & 14, and the one-off issue Visual Tension.  (issue 14 featuring Bill Henson) Melbourne : The Virgin Press/The Xtension Partnership 1983-1988. Quarto, illustrated wrappers, light handling marks, each approximately 40 pp. A broken run of Ashley …

  • # 43025

    REID, Barrie

    Modern Australian Art. A Melbourne collection of paintings and drawings.

    Edited, with an introduction, by Barrie Reid. Melbourne: Museum of Modern Art of Australia, 1958. Quarto, wrappers (marked and foxed), 72 pages illustrated in black and white. Design and typography by Peter Burns. The first publication of the Museum of Modern Art (now known as the Heide Museum of Modern Art. Includes short essays, portrait …

  • # 42867

    [DOBSON, Rosemary, KEESING, Nancy, et al.]

    Pen and ink : an anthology of prose and verse written by various members of the Frensham Pen and Ink Club. (With an original signed photograph by Harold Cazneaux)

    / chosen by E.L.T., R.D., J.P. ; the lino-cuts and the cover are designed by members of the Art Club. [Mittagong, N.S.W.] : Frensham Press, 1940. Octavo (190 x 130 mm), original mauve card covers with French flaps and linocut design to front (sunned at edges and along spine), inside front cover with limitation statement …

  • # 42821


    [FEMINISM] Lip. Issue 7. 1982/3. A feminist arts journal.

    Melbourne : Women in the Visual Arts Collective, [1982].  Quarto, original wrappers (light handling marks), pp 89, b/w illustrations, a very good copy. ‘Lip is a collective of feminists who represent a wide range of political, social and cultural stances’ (p. 1) Lip was published in 8 issues from 1976 to 1984. This issue includes …

  • # 42820


    [FEMINISM] Lip (1976)

    Melbourne : Women in the Visual Arts Collective, [October, 1976]. (First issue of this periodical). Quarto, original stiff wrappers covered in pink silk and printed in pink (a little marked); pp 44, b/w illustrations, lacking the double-page removable foldout with white doyly by artist Frances Phoenix (Budden) at centre, a good copy. ‘Lip is a …

  • # 42812


    The Berry Collection. Part II. Auction of Australian Aboriginal & Pacific Island artefacts,

    ceramics & glassware, Oriental items, silver, Australian pottery, art & items of interest. East Hawthorn, Vic. : Young’s Auctions, 2009. Quarto, pictorial stiff wrappers, pp 81, with descriptions of 913 lots, most illustrated in colour; a fine copy. Catalogue for one of a series of auctions held in 2007, 2008 and 2009 which featured items …

  • # 42528

    [RIORDAN, Captain A. W.)

    A collection of 14 engraved bookseller’s and art gallery receipts, 1930s

    The receipts made out to Captain A. W. Riordan of Caulfield, Melbourne, for the purchase of rare books, paintings and etchings from H. A. Evans & son (four receipts), Dymock’s Book Arcade (one receipt), Robertson & Mullens (two receipts), N. H. Seward (one receipt), Henry Sotheran of London (two receipts) and The Sedan Galleries (four …

  • # 42746

    PERICICH, Simon (curator)

    As long as the night is dark

    [Melbourne : MARS Gallery, 2017. Quarto (288 x 208 x 44mm), lettered wrappers (lightly marked), unpaginated (approx. 300 pages), illustrated. Exhibition catalogue for the dark art exhibition held at MARS in 2017. ‘With playful nihilism and prophetic vision, As Long as the Night is Dark is an exhibition that muses on the doomed nature of …

  • # 42918

    HOLDEN, Robert

    Cover up: the art of magazine covers in Australia

    Sydney : Hodder & Stoughton, 1995. Quarto, illustrated wrappers, pp. 168, a little edge wear, illustrated throughout with plates of magazine covers by famous Australian artists including iconic publications such as The Home, The Lone Hand and The Sydney Mail. A good copy.