Voyages & Exploration
# 42444
HEINE, Wilhelm
Die Expedition in die Seen von China, Japan und Ochotsk unter Commando von Commodore Colin Ringgold und Commodore John Rodgers, im Auftrage der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten, unternommen in den Jahren 1853 bis 1856,
unter Zuziehung der officiellen Autoritäten und Quellen. Deutsche Original-Ausgabe von Wilhelm Heine. Leipzig : Hermann Costenoble (Band 1) / Otto Purfürst (Bände 2-3), 1858-59. Three volumes, large octavo (245 x 175 mm), uniform publisher’s bindings of blind-blocked pebbled cloth with gilt-decorated and -lettered spines (rubbed and lightly marked, spines sunned); Band 1. XX, 330 pp., …
# 42373
COLLADO, Diego (d. 1638 or 1641)
Dictionarium sive thesauri linguae Iaponicae compendium …
Romae typis & impensis Sacr. Congr. de Prop. Fide, MDCXXXII [1632]; [bound with] Ars Grammaticae Iaponicae linguae … Romae typis & impensis Sacr. Congr. de Prop. Fide, MDCXXXII [1632]; [and bound with] Niffon no Cotōbani yô confesion, … [= modus confitendi et examinandi poenitentem Japonensem, formula suamet lingua Japonica … ] Romae typis & impensis Sacr. …
# 35336
RONJAT, Étienne Antoine Eugène, 1822-1912 (artist)
Reception of the foreign ministers by the Chinese Emperor, June 29 1873.
This Emperor, Toong Chir, died last winter of smallpox at the age of twenty. [Title from the inscription verso]. [U.S.A.? France? : s.n., probably 1875]. Albumen print photograph of a drawing by French artist Etienne Ronjat (after a Chinese painting), carte de visite format, 61 x 102 mm; verso with contemporary inscription in ink; both the print …
# 45766
BONNEMAINS, Jacqueline
Baudin in Australian Waters.
The artwork of the French voyage of discovery to the southern lands 1800 – 1804. With a complete descriptive catalogue of drawings and paintings of Australian subjects by C.-A. Lesueur and N.-M. Petit from the Lesueur Collection at the Museum d’Histoire Naturelle, Le Havre, France. Edited by Jacqueline Bonnemains, Elliott Forsyth and Bernard Smith. Melbourne …
# 45729
MARSHALL, Jock and DRYSDALE, Russell
Journey among men (presentation copy from Russell Drysdale to Donald Murray)
London : Hodder & Stoughton, 1962. Quarto, cloth in illustrated dustjacket (lightly stained, edge wear, a couple of tape repairs verso), 206 pp. illustrated throughout by Russell Drysdale. Inscribed by the artist in the year of publication on the first blank ‘For Donald Murray with great regard & affection from Tass. Russell Drysdale. September 1962’. …
# 44894
TASMAN, Abel Janszoon (1603 - 1659)
Abel Janszoon Tasman’s Journal of his discovery of Van Diemen’s Land and New Zealand in 1642.
With documents relating to his exploration of Australia in 1644 being photo-lithographic facsimiles of the original manuscript in the colonial archives at The Hague with an English translation and facsimiles of original maps to to which are added life and labours of Abel Janszoon Tasman by J. E. Heeres, Ll. D. Professor at the Dutch …
# 41839
Game of Round the World with Nellie Bly, the World’s Globe Circler
A novel and fascinating game with plenty of excitement by land and sea. New York : McLoughlin Brothers, [c.1890]. Chromolithograph game board, 415 x 400 mm, in two sheets, folding, with vignettes of Nellie Bly, Jules Verne, a steam ship and a steam train; in fine condition, housed in a modern box in period style with …
# 45110
Tracts relative to the Aborigines / published by direction of the Meeting for Sufferings from 1838 to 1842
London : Edward Marsh, 84 Houndsditch, 1843. Series: Tracts relative to the Aborigines, nos. 1-8. Octavo (210 x 135 mm), original blind-blocked green cloth with gilt-lettered spine (upper board with stain at fore-edge penetrating to pastedown and front endpaper), front free-endpaper with two early North American Society of Friends Meeting inscriptions; pp. i-xii; 1-60 (Information …
# 45558
BRUTON, J. E. (photographer); YORK, Frederick (publisher)
H. M. Stanley, the African explorer.
[Title from printed caption on mount]. Albumen print photograph, carte de visite format, 105 x 63 mm; recto of mount printed in lower margin ‘H. M. Stanley, the African explorer. Photographed by J. E. Bruton, Cape Town. F. York, London, Copyright’; verso blank; in fine condition. A superb portrait of Henry Morton Stanley (1841-1904), Welsh-American explorer, …
# 45577
ARENAL, Concepción
[TRANSPORTATION] Las colonias penales de la Australia y la pena de deportación.
Memoria premiada por la Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y Politicas en el concurso ordinario de 1875. Madrid : Eduardo Martinez, 1877. Large octavo (255 x 170 mm), publisher’s wrappers (lightly marked, head and tail of spine chipped), 99 pp; text in Spanish; entirely unopened, a very good copy. Ferguson 6092. In 1875 the Spanish …
# 45069
BERAN, Harry; CRAIG, Barry
Shields of Melanesia
/ Edited by Harry Beran and Barry Craig. Honolulu, HI : University of Hawai’i Press, in association with Oceanic Art Society, Sydney, 2005. Quarto (295 x 215 mm), publisher’s black cloth-covered boards in pictorial dust jacket; pp. xix, [1], 287; illustrated in colour and b/w; maps; light handling wear, an excellent copy.
# 38393
Primera y secunda parte de la historia general de las Indias
cõ todo el descubrimiento, y cosas notables que han acaescido donde que se ganaron hasta el año de 1551. Con la conquista de Mexico, y dela nueva España. Medina del Campo : Guillermo de Millis, 1553. Second edition.Two parts in one, folio (275 x 200 mm), contemporary vellum over boards, original ties partially intact, spine with early title …
# 38359
Garcilaso de la Vega, "El Inca", 1539-1616
[Primera Parte de los] Commentarios Reales, que tratan del Origen de los Yncas, reyes que fueron del Peru, de su idolatria, leyes, y gouierno en paz y en guerra
… Con licencia de la Sancta Inquisicion, Ordinario, y Paco. En Lisboa: En la officina de Pedro Crasbeeck, 1609 [but 1608]. Small folio (240 x 170 mm), later full vellum with ornate gilt-tooled decoration; [9] preliminary leaves, 264 ff (colophon to verso of leaf 264, with date of 1608), [1 errata] page with woodcut decorations; …
# 42439
Matos (Mattos), Gabriel de (1572-1633)
Lettera annua del Giappone del M. DCXIV. Al molto Rever. Padre Generale della Compagnia di GIESU.
Scritta dal Padre Gabriel de Mattos della medesima Compagnia di Giesù. Rome : Bartolomeo Zannetti, 1617. Octavo, later papered boards with gilt-lettered leather title-piece to spine; title with woodcut Jesuit device, and with an early nineteenth-century ownership inscription to bottom margin; pp. 205; occasional browning, a fine copy. ‘The first Italian edition (the original was …
# 38379
CRUS, Manoel da [CRUZ, Manuel da]
Fala que fes o P. Fr. Manoel da Crus,
Mestre em S. Teologia, Deputado do S. Officio, & das Ordens Militares na segunda instancia, Vigairo Geral da Ordem dos Pregadores da India. Lisbon : Lourenço de Anveres, 1642. Second edition. Small quarto (200 x 150 mm), vellum boards gilt, front pastedown with ex libris of H. P. Kraus and cutting from the 1929 Maggs Bros. …
# 38366
[MANUSCRIPT] A Journal or Narrative of the Proceedings betweene the Commissioners appointed by His Majestie, and the Commissioners Deputed by the States Generall, pursuant to the Treaty of Peace made at Westminster 9/19 Ffebruary 1673/4 Concerning a Treaty Marine to be observed throughout all the World. And also an Article particularly relateing to the English and Dutch East India Companyes Concluded in the yeare 1674.
[London, 1674-75]. Folio (300 x 200 mm), old mottled calf gilt, spine with raised bands, gilt ornament, and contrasting title labels lettered in gilt; all edges gilt; manuscript written in English, Latin, Dutch and French in several contemporary secretarial hands; ff 269; clean and fresh throughout. An important contemporary manuscript record of the Mixed Commission established to draw up …