Voyages & Exploration
# 42443
Fróis, Luís (1532-1597) et al.
Lettere del Giappone dell’anno M. D. LXXVII. Scritte dalli Reverendi Padri della Compagnia di Giesù.
Rome : Francesco Za[n]netti, 1579. Octavo, later panelled red calf, boards with gilt central device and borders, spine with raised bands decorated and entered in gilt; gilt dentelles; pp. 72; title with woodcut device; first few leaves with small expert restoration at lower fore-edge, otherwise excellent throughout, a near fine copy. Very rare collection of …
# 37099
RAY, John (1627-1705)
[NATURAL HISTORY; PALESTINE; ASIA MINOR; ARABIA; ETHIOPIA etc.] A collection of curious travels and voyages,
in two parts; the first containing Leonhart Rauwolff’s Itinerary into the Eastern countries; as Syria, Palestine, or the Holy Land, Armenia, Mesopotamia, Assyria, Chaldea, &c. Translated from the High Dutch by Nicholas Staphorst. The second taking in many parts of Greece, Asia Minor, Egypt, Arabia Felix, and Petraea, Ethiopia, the Red-Sea, &c. From the observations of …
# 17953
DAM, Meyndert van; STICHTER, Cornelis
A VOC ship’s binding from the Chamber of Amsterdam.
d’Erven Stichters Comptoir Almanach, Voor ‘t Jaar 1800. Voorzien van eene aanwyzing der Jaar-, Paarden-, Beesten- en Leermarkten, welke in de Bataafsche Republiek gehouden worden, als mede de Vacantien, het Varen der Trekschuyten en Beurtschepen, het vertrek der Posten en Postwagens. Nevens de maans op- en ondergang. Te Amsterdam : by de erfgen. van de Wed. C. Stichter, …
# 30606
SPILSBURY, F[rancis]. B.
Picturesque scenery in The Holy Land and Syria, delineated during the campaigns of 1799 and 1800.
/ By F. B. Spilsbury, of His Majesty’s ship Le Tigre; surgeon in that expedition during both campaigns. London : Published by Edward Orme, Printseller to His Majesty and the Royal Family, 59, New Bond-street. Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. Cleveland-row, 1803. First edition. Large folio (470 x 335 mm), contemporary gilt-ruled half scarlet …
# 43114
[ORSMOND, John Muggridge, 1788-1856]
Autograph letter in the Tahitian language, written by a chief of Bora Bora to the LMS missionary, Rev. John Muggridge Orsmond. Bora Bora, 1822.
Manuscript in brown ink on laid paper, 3 pp. on quarto bifolium, 175 x 150 mm; letter in the Tahitian language addressed to missionary Rev. John Orsmond at Tahiti, written entirely in the hand of an unidentified chief of Bora Bora, signed ‘Porapora’ at the foot; undated, but probably 1822 (see below); traces of original …
# 38365
POMPE VAN MEERDERVOORT, Johannes Lijdius Catharinus (1829-1908)
Beknopte handleiding tot de geneesmiddelleer : ten gebruike van de Keizerlijke Japansche Geneeskundige School te Nagasaki.
Desima [Nagasaki] : ter Nederlandsche Drukkerij, 1862. Octavo (190 mm), contemporary Japanese binding of half calf over marbled papered boards, mauve endpapers, the front free-endpaper with early inscription in Japanese and straight-line stamp of the Deutsche Jesuiten-Mission Japan e. V. Köln, half title with circular stamp of the same library and early Japanese owner’s seal stamp …
# 13453
BAER, Karl Ernst von (1792-1876)
Types principaux des différentes races humaines dans les cinq parties du monde,
modelés sous la direction du Pr. Baer de St. Petersbourg. St. Petersburg : s.n., [1862]. Portfolio, 500 x 330 mm, original embossed boards with title to front, original silk ties, inner front board with early collection inscription of the Königliche Präparanden-Anstalt (Royal Preparatory Institute), Herborn; containing [12] albumen print photographs, [7] in format 225 x …
# 30168
BIGOT, Georges Ferdinand (1860-1927)
Croquis Japonais par G. Bigot. 1886. Tokio. [Bound with] Le Jour de l’an au Japon.
[Tokyo : The artist, 1886]. Two volumes in one, large folio (480 x 330 mm) (as issued), slightly later half burgundy crushed morocco over marbled papered boards ruled in gilt, spine with raised bands and gilt lettering, pastedown with bookplate of Grolier Club Library with its ‘WITHDRAWN’ stamp, marbled endpapers, original Japanese textured grey paper …
# 44864
SONNERAT, Pierre (1748 – 1814)
Voyage à la Nouvelle Guinée, dans lequel on trouve la description des lieux, des observations physiques & morales, & des détails relatifs à l’Histoire Naturelle dans le Règne Animal & le Règne Végétal
Paris : Chez Ruault, 1776. Quarto, full speckled calf, corners subbed and bumped, rebacked with new head and tail caps, preserving original spine, spine in compartments with contrasting morocco title label lettered in gilt, marbled edges and endpapers, bookplate for Henry White to front pastedown with bookseller’s label of A. H. Spencer, half-title, engraved frontispiece, …
# 44855
GOOS, Pieter
Pascaerte vande Zuyd-Zee tussche California, en Ilhas de Ladrones
Amsterdam : Pieter Goos, op’t Waater inde Vergulde Zeespiegel, 1666. 430 x 538 mm (image), 465 x 555 mm (sheet), had coloured, decorative cartouche, a fine example. A fine example of Pieter Goos’ sea chart of the Pacific Ocean. Extending from Van Diemen’s Land to Japan, and from New Zealand to California, it significantly notes discoveries …
# 44856
OTTENS, Reinier (1698 - 1750); de WIT, Frederik (1629 - 1706)
Magnum Mare del Zur cum Insula California. De Groote Zuyd-Zee en ‘t Eylandt California
Amsterdam : [R. & I. Ottens, 1745]. Copperplate engraving, 490 x 560 mm (image); 565 x 665 mm (sheet), hand coloured, small repair to tear in cartouche and a couple of pinholes, else fine. A striking example of Reiner and Joshua Ottens’ chart of the Pacific Ocean, an updated state of Frederick De Wit’s chart …
# 44895
PINNOCK, William
Panorama of the old world and the new.
Comprising a view of the present state of the nations of the world, their manners, customs, and peculiarities, and their political, moral, social, and industrial condition. Interspersed with historical sketches and anecdotes by William Pinnock. Enlarged, revised, and embellished with several hundred engravings, from designs of Croome, Devereux, and other distinguished artists. Boston : L. …
# 14833
Tuckey, James Kingston (1776-1816)
An account of a voyage to establish a colony at Port Philip in Bass’s Strait,
on the South Coast of New South Wales : in His Majesty’s Ship Calcutta, in the years 1802-3-4 / by J. H. Tuckey, Esq. First Lieutenant of the Calcutta. London : Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme; and J.C. Mottley, 1805. First edition. Octavo, original polished calf, gilt-decoration, expertly recased with new spine to style by Aquarius, …
# 45076
[ULIMAROA] Daniel Djurbergs namn på Australien.
/ av Rolf Du Rietz. Stockholm : Bortzells, 1961. “Särtryck ur Ymer 1961, h. 2.” [=Reprinted from: Ymer, vol.2 (1961)]. Octavo (230 x 150 mm), printed wrappers (a little sunned), the upper wrapper with a presentation inscription by Du Rietz for Swedish academic and collector Teddy Brunius; pp. 81-100; text in Swedish, with a summary …
# 45154
Rules of the Polynesian Society
New Plymouth, NZ : Thomas Avery & Sons Limited, 1922. Third edition. Octavo, self-wrappers (lightly foxed, old fold lines), pp. 7; some spotting at margins, otherwise good.
# 45155
List of reprints from the Journal of the Polynesian Society, also of other available Maori publications.
Wellington, NZ : Polynesian Society, [1941]. Octavo, stapled wrappers (foxed, owner’s pencilled name and date ‘F. H. Molony May 1943’ to front, lower wrapper extensively annotated in pencil, paper splits at head and tail of spine); pp. 12, [2]; original owner’s marginalia, otherwise internally good. Dating based on one of the ‘New Publications’ advertised on …