China & the Philippines
We are pleased to present a selection of books, manuscripts, maps, and ephemera relating to China and the Philippines, spanning roughly 350 years from the late 16th to the early 20th century.
# 45937
T'ONG, Ting-kü (1832-1892)
全 集 語 英 (Ying u Tsap Ts’un) or The Chinese and English Instructor
Canton : 1862. Six volumes (complete), tall octavo (279 x 153mm), original stitched wrappers (the first volume lacking the lower wrapper), printed title labels (with remnants on a few volumes), some rubbing and light stains; text in English and Chinese; text blocks folded in fukurotoji style, housed in original wooden boards (one crack repaired) titled …
# 46779
An Appeal to all Missionaries in China.
[Shanghai? : The American Presbyterian Mission Press?, c.1870]. Broadsheet, 265 x 205 mm, laid down on a nineteenth-century album leaf; signed at the foot ‘Yours faithfully in Christ Jesus, John Smith’; mild toning and faint original folds. A completely unrecorded Protestant missionary circular concerning alleged corruption within a major British trading company in China, authored by …
# 46762
Political railway map of China
[Shanghai] : Far Eastern Review, circa 1914. Map, printed in colour, 520 x 425 mm (sheet), a couple of small chips and edges and small stains lower left, showing the railways of China which are operational, under construction, contracted for, and projected, under French, Belgian, Russian, British, German, Japanese, American and Chinese control. The train …
# 46474
MORRISON, Robert (1782–1834)
五車韻府 A Dictionary of the Chinese Language, by the Rev. R. Morrison, D. D.
Shanghae : London Mission Press; London : Trübner & Co., 1865. Second edition. Two volumes, octavo, contemporary half-russet roan over marbled papered boards, spines in compartments with raised bands, lettered in gilt, shelf labels to foot of spines, light edge wear, shelf marks to front pastedowns and title pages, pp. ix; [blank]; 224, 224-239, 239 …
# 45888
HUC, Évariste Régis, Abbé (1813-1860)
Manuscript letter written by Abbé Huc, sent from Macau in November 1846, addressed to his parents in Toulouse and reporting on his just-completed epic journey through Tartary and Tibet.
Macao, 1er. Novembre 1846. Entire letter, manuscript in ink on a single folio sheet of Chinese paper, folded to form 4 pages, written on 3½ pages; the panel on the outer side addressed to ‘Monsieur Huc, Rue Pargaminières 73, Toulouse, Haute-Garonne’, circular postal markings in black ‘Paris 8 Janv. 47’ and ‘Toulouse 11 Janv. 47’; …
# 46753
RETANA, W. E. (Wenceslao Emiliano)
Catálogo de la Biblioteca Filipina de W. E. Retana. (Limited edition, presentation copy inscribed by Retana for Hiersemann)
Edición de treinta ejemplares. Madrid : Imprenta de la viuda de M. Minuesa De Los Rios, 1893. Folio (350 x 250 mm), original leather-backed marbled papered boards (a trifle scuffed), spine with raised bands and red morocco title label lettered in gilt; original marbled endpapers; the limitation page records the names of institutional and private …
# 38432
LINSCHOTEN, Jan Huygen van (1563-1611)
Histoire de la Navigation de Jean Hugues de Linschot Hollandois, aux Indes Orientales.
Contenant diverses descriptions des lieux jusques à présent descouverts par les Portugais: observations des Coustumes & singularitez de delà, & autres declarations … … Troisieme édition, augmentée. Amsterdam: Evert Cloppenburgh, 1638. Three parts in one volume, folio (310 x 200 mm), contemporary mottled calf (rubbed), spine in compartments with ornate gilt decoration and lettering; edges speckled …
# 15201
RAMUSIO, Giovanni Battista (1485-1557)
Primo volume et quarta edizione. Delle Navigationi et viaggi raccolto da m. Gio. Batt. Ramusio et con molti vaghi
discorsi da lui in molti luoghi dichiarato et illustrato … … Venetia : nella Stamperia de’ Giunti, 1588. [TOGETHER WITH] Secondo volume Delle Navigationi et viaggi raccolto da m. Gio. Batt. Ramusio … Venetia : Appresso i Giunti, 1583. [TOGETHER WITH] Terzo volume Delle Navigationi et viaggi raccolto da m. Gio. Batt. Ramusio … Venetia : nella Stamperia de’ Giunti, …
# 46763
San José, Francisco de (1560-1614)
Arte y reglas de la lengua Tagala.
Por el p. fr. Francisco de S. Josef de la Orden de Santo Domingo Predicador General en la provincia de Ntra. Sra. del Rosario de las Islas Filipinas. [Manila] : Impreso en la imprenta nueva de don Jose Maria Dayot por Tomas Oliva, 1832. Small octavo, original limp vellum, ties intact; edges speckled red; front free-endpaper …
# 46761
ADUARTE, Diego Francisco (1569-1636)
Tomo primero de la historia de la provincia del Santo Rosario de Filipinas, Iapon, y China, de la Sagrada Orden de Predicadores.
Zaragoça : Domingo Gascon, Infançon, Impressor del Santo Hospital Real, y General de Nuestra Señora de Gracia, 1693. Folio, contemporary limp vellum (lacking ties), spine with early ms. title and decoration in black ink; hinges cracked; pp [viii], 767, [53 index]; title page with engraved vignette coat of arms; woodcut initials and tail-pieces; last section of main …
# 46811
The Orient Missionary Exhibition, in the Central Hall, Academy Street, Cork, March 25th to 29th, 1912.
Cork [Ireland] : Eagle Printing Works, 1912. Octavo (220 x 145 mm), original pictorial wrappers (chipped at corner and spine ends, mild edge wear) pp. 28; with b/w photographic illustrations, advertisements; internally clean, a very good copy. The title is somewhat misleading, since as well as exhibits from China, India and Ceylon, the exhibition included …
# 46755
Compendio de los sucesos, que con grande gloria de Dios, lustre y honor de las Catholicas Reales Armas de S.M., en defensa de estas Christiandades, e islas de Bisayas, se consiguieron contra los Mahometanos enemigos, por el armamento destacado al presidio de Yligan sobre las costas de la Isla de Mindanao, en el año de mil setecientos cinquenta y quatro.
Impresso en Manila : En la imprenta de la Compañia de Iesus por don Nicolas de la Cruz Bagay, 1755. Small quarto, early twentieth century quarter morocco over papered boards, spine with raised bands and gilt lettering, extremities slightly rubbed; pp [23]; blank, printed on rice paper; additional blank leaves by the binder, a fine …
# 22102
Concepción, Juan de la, 1724-1787
Historia general de Philipinas (partial set)
Conquistas espirituales y temporales de estos españoles dominios, establecimientos progresos, y decadencias. Comprehende los imperios, reinos y provincias de islas, y continentes con quienes hà havido communicacion, y comercio por inmediatas coincidencias. Con noticias universales geograficas, hidrograficas de historia natural de politica de costumbres y de religiones, en lo que deba interesarse tan universal titulo. Manila …
# 46355
Group of five chromolithographic postcards with views of Hong Kong, early 1900s.
I. M. Sternberg, publisher. Hongkong Star Ferry Wharf. II. M. Sternberg, publisher. View of Peak Buildings and Roads, Hongkong. III. M. Sternberg, publisher. Queen’s Road Central and Chinese New Year Decorations, Hongkong. IV. Turco-Egyptian Tobacco Store, publisher. Hongkong. Resting Place of the highest spot of the Peak. V. Turco-Egyptian Tobacco Store, publisher. The Peak of …
# 46646
Minute of the Committee of the Church Missionary Society on the present state and future prospects of China
[London] : Church Missionary Society, 1853. T. C. Johns, Printer. Octavo, pamphlet, self-wrappers (lightly foxed), pp. 15; [blank]. An appeal for additional resources (funds and missionaries) to extend the work of the Church Missionary Society into the interior of China, with greater access now granted to the missionaries. It notes ‘We have never had more …
# 46332
Tengchow Station Report, July 1939 – June 1940.
At head of title in red: A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Tengchow (Penglai) : American Presbyterian Mission, [1940]. Octavo (215 x 130 mm), 6 pp., vignette illustration at head of text; printed on a single sheet of Chinese silk paper (215 x 390 mm); at the foot of the last side the …