Voyages & Exploration
# 46580
MEDINA, Balthasar de
Vida martyrio, y beatificación del invicto proto-martyr de el Japan San Felipe de Jesús, patron de Mexico, su patria,
imperial corte de Nueva España en el Nuevo Mundo … Segunda Impressión … Madrid : en la imprenta de los Herederos de la Viuda de Juan García Infanzón, 1751. Quarto (205 x 145 mm), contemporary limp vellum (ties replaced); pp. [28], 176, with one engraved plate depicting the crucifixion of San Felipe; scattered light foxing, else contents very good; …
# 41812
FABER, Ernst
Introduction to the science of Chinese religion.
A critique of Max Müller and other authors. Hong Kong : Lane, Crawford & Co. and Shanghai : Kelly & Walsh, [1879]. Printed at the “China Mail” office in Hong Kong. Octavo, lettered card wrappers (expert repairs to spine, some chips and marks), pp. [iv]; xii; 151. A rare tract by the German missionary Ernst …
# 46471
ERSKINE, Commodore James E. / DYER, Augustine (photographer)
Narrative of the Expedition of the Australian Squadron to the South-East Coast of New Guinea, October to December, 1884
Bathurst : Robert Brown, 1984. Folio (approx. 425 x 345 mm), blue leather, lettered in gilt, all edges gilt, in gilt-lettered slipcase. Facsimile of the 1885 edition which commemorated the raising of the British Flag in Port Moresby in 1884. “The Imperial Government … decided to take steps to establish a Protectorate over that part …
# 46371
SPENDER, Stephen; HOCKNEY, David
China diary
New York : Harry N. Abrams, 1982. First edition. Quarto, cloth in illustrated dustjacket, pp. 200, illustrated. A fine copy of the first edition of Spender and Hockney’s illustrated tour of China.
# 46417
The art of the First Fleet
Melbourne : Hardie Grant Books, 2012. Quarto, boards in dustjacket, light handling wear, pp. 112, extensively illustrated. Ethnographical and topographical art, zoology and botanical painting from the Natural History Museum, London.
# 46400
LOVIOT, Fanny Mme.
[MARITIME; CALIFORNIA GOLD RUSH] De chinesiske sjöröfvarne: Reseminnen.
Öfvers. från franskan af M.Wester. Gefle [Gavle], Sweden : Hjalmar Ewerlöf, [1865]. Octavo, contemporary half morocco over pebbled red cloth (lightly rubbed, corners bumped), spine with gilt ornament and lettering (head with small amount of loss), original owner’s inscription to free-endpaper dated 1865, [4], 126 pp, a good copy. Text in Swedish. Swedish translation of …
# 46398
LUQUIENS, H.M. (Huc Mazelet)
Hawaiian art.
Honolulu, HI : Bishop Museum, 1931. Series: Bernice P. Bishop Museum Special Publication 18. First edition. Tall octavo (240 x 160 mm), original cloth backed papered boards, pp 59, illustrated with numerous b/w photographic plates; ex library of the San Francisco firm S & G Gump Company (card pocket to pastedown and wet stamp to …
# 46350
SMITH, Bernard and WHEELER, Alwyne (eds.)
The art of the First Fleet & other early Australian drawings
Melbourne : Oxford University Press, 1988. Folio, cloth in dustjacket, pp. 256, illustrated. A significant survey of Australia’s earliest colonial art, including ethnographical studies, natural history drawings, early views of Sydney and New South Wales as well as early maps.
# 46349
HARRIS, Walter Kilroy
[PROSPECTUS] Outback in Australia; or three Australian overlanders
Being an account of the longest overlanding journey ever attempted in Australia with a single horse, and including chapters on various phases of outback life. Letchworth, U.K. : Garden City Press, 1913. Single sheet, folded into 4 pp octavo, three illustrations. Fine. Scarce prospectus for this account of an eccentric English traveller’s experiences droving in …
# 46145
[Photographer unknown]
Studio portrait of Samoan London Missionary Society pastor and tutor Saanga and his family, (Apia?) 1906.
Gelatin silver print photograph, cabinet card format, 185 x 135 mm (mount); original studio mount (without photographer’s imprint); verso with Saanga’s own inscription in ink identifying the sitters as Saanga, Madeline, Freddy, Sose, Rarotonga, Rita, Edward, and beneath this ‘With Saanga’s kind regards. June 12 ’06‘; a slightly later ownership inscription in pencil at the top …
# 45873
FREYCINET, Rose Marie Pinon de (1794-1832)
Campagne de l’Uranie (1817-1820) : journal de Madame Rose de Saulces de Freycinet, d’après le manuscrit original
/ accompagné de notes par Charles Duplomb. Paris : Societé d’Éditions Géographiques, Maritimes et Coloniales, 1927. First edition. Large quarto (285 x 230 mm), publisher’s printed wrappers with French flaps (sunned, spine with water staining and small paper loss at ends), pp. [2 blank], xiii, [1 blank], 190, [2], with 25 plates (13 in colour, …
# 45900
[NOTT, Henry] HOWE, William; CHISHOLM, Alexander; BARFF, John
[BIBLE. TAHITIAN] Te Bibilia moa ra, oia te faufaa Tahito e te faufaa apî ra : iritihia ei parau Tahiti.
Lonedona : Neia e R. Clay, Sons, e O. Taylor ma, na te Taieti Bibilia i Beritani e te mau fenua atoa i faatupuhia i Lonedona ra i te Matahiti 1804. [London : R.Clay & Sons and O. Taylor, for The British and Foreign Bible Society], 1878. Fourth edition. Thick octavo (225 x 150 mm), …
# 46106
MOORE, David R.
The Torres Strait collections of A. C. Haddon : a descriptive catalogue
London : British Museum Press, 1984. Quarto (280 x 210 mm), publisher’s cloth in pictorial dust jacket; 110 pp. + 80 pp. with 450 b/w photographic illustrations; a couple of pale spots of foxing to preliminaries, else a fine copy. An important catalogue – scholarly and very well illustrated – of the material culture field-collected …
# 46034
Church Missionary Society collection box, circa 1920.
[London : CMS, c.1920]. Wooden box, 140 x 70 x 70 mm, with chromolithographic label on one side illustrated with peoples from CMS missions around the world and worded: CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY. SPHERES OF WORK: AFRICA, INDIA, CEYLON, CHINA, JAPAN, PALESTINE, EGYPT, THE SUDAN, PERSIA ETC. / METHODS: EVANGELISTIC, PASTORAL, EDUCATIONAL, MEDICAL, INDUSTRIAL, ITINERATING, TRANSLATIONAL …
# 46142
WALTER, Charles (Carl) (1831-1907) (attributed)
Two stereoscopic views taken in Samoa, 1875.
Two stereoscopic albumen print photographs, each image approximately 80 x 80 mm (square format), on original black card mounts, 85 x 176 mm, versos blank; the prints are a little pale, but are otherwise in good condition. This pair of Samoan stereoviews came as part of a small group of stereographic photographs by German-born Victorian …
# 46003
TRÉHIN, Jean-Yves.
Tahiti : l’Éden à l’épreuve de la photographie : une histoire de la photographie à Tahiti et dans les îles, 1859-1940
Paris : Gallimard, 2003. Oblong quarto, boards in dustjacket, pp. 207, illustrated, a fine copy. Includes works by: Gustave Viaud, Paul-Emile Miot, Eugène Courret, Charles & Susan Hoare, Charles Georges Spitz, Lucien Gauthier, Roger Parry, Thérèse Le Prat, Henri Lemasson, Jules Agostini. A significant survey of early photography in Tahiti.