Voyages & Exploration

  • # 45331

    DEKKER, Elly and VAN DER KROGT, Peter

    Globes from the Western world

    London : Zwemmer, 1993. Quarto, boards in dustjacket, pp. 183, illustrated. A superb reference book on antique globes.

  • # 45179

    JOPPIEN, Rüdiger and SMITH, Bernard

    The art of Captain Cook’s voyages (four volume set)

    Volume one : The voyage of the Endeavour 1768 – 1771. With a descriptive catalogue of all the known drawings of peoples, places, artefacts and events and the original engravings associated with them. Melbourne : Oxford University Press, 1985 (reprint). Folio, cloth in dust jacket, pp. xv; 247, illustrated. Volume two :  The voyage of …

  • # 44929

    ROSENBERG, Aubrey

    Tyssot de Patot and his work, 1655-1738

    The Hague, [Netherlands] : Martinus Nijhoff, 1972. Octavo, cloth in dustjacket, portrait frontispiece, pp. xii; 235. A detailed study of Tyssot de Patot, author of Voyages et avantures de Jaques Masse, a famous imaginary voyage to Australia.

  • # 45103

    DU RIETZ, Rolf

    William Bligh

    / av Rolf Du Rietz. Åbo : Åbo Tidnings och Tryckeri, [1955?]. “Särtryck ur Finsk Tidskrift, H. 6, 1955” [=Reprinted from: Finsk Tidskrift, vol. 6 (1955)]. Octavo (210 x 145 mm), stapled wrappers, pp. 298-303; text in Swedish; at foot of text is written in blue pen (in the hand of Rolf Du Rietz) ‘Uppsala 1954’; …

  • # 45027


    Plant. Exploring the botanical world (from the library of Criss Canning)

    London : Phaeton, 2016. Quarto, boards in dustjacket, pp. 352, illustrated. Artists include Ferdinand Bauer, Celia Rosser, Marianne North, James Sowerby, Sydney Parkinson, Charles Darwin and others. ‘This fresh and visually stunning survey celebrates the extraordinary beauty and diversity of plants. It combines photographs and cutting-edge micrograph scans with watercolours, drawings, and prints to bring …

  • # 44571

    M'CLYMONT, The Right Rev. J. A.


    Painted by John Fulleylove, R.I. London : A. & C. Black, 1924. Second edition. Octavo, boards in dustjacket (small chips and edge wear), inscription to endpaper, pp. x; 234; 4 (catalogue), edges foxed, a very good copy.

  • # 44793

    James Arthur Lees and Walter J. Clutterbuck

    Three in Norway

    By two of them. With map and fifty-nine illustrations on wood from sketches by the authors. London : Longmans, Green and Co., 1888. Fourth edition. Octavo, illustrated cloth with image of a fisherman (lightly sunned to spine, small bump to fore edge of upper board), bookplate to front pastedown, pp. xii; 307, folding map printed …

  • # 44794


    A river of Norway. Being the notes and reflections of an angler

    London : Longmans, Green and Co., 1903. Octavo, gilt-illustrated cloth (a few light marks), slightly canted, top edge gilt, pp. xvi; 168; 40 (publisher’s catalogue), photogravure plates with tissue guards, colour plan. Fishing for salmon and trout in Norway.

  • # 44837

    LISTER-TURNER, Rev. R.; CLARK, Rev. J.B. CHATTERTON, Percy (editor)

    A grammar of the Motu language of Papua.

    Sydney : A.H. Pettifer, Govt. Printer, [1946]. Second edition. Octavo (240 x 150 mm), publisher’s silver-lettered green cloth (lightly marked); 91 pp; internally excellent; bookplate of The Papuan Collection of Charles Fletcher (Melbourne) to front free-endpaper.

  • # 44443

    WHARTON, Captain W. J. L.

    Captain Cook’s journal during his first voyage round the world made in H. M. Bark “Endeavour” 1768 – 71.

    A literal transcription of the original MSS. With notes and introduction. Illustrated by maps and facsimiles. London : Elliot Stock, 1893. Large octavo, contemporary blue half calf over marbled papered boards (edges rubbed), spine in compartments, ruled in gilt, contrasting Morocco title label, lettered in gilt, pp. lvi; 400; maps and plates, lacking the three …

  • # 44507

    TAYLOR, James

    The pictorial history of Scotland

    London and New York : George Virtue [1859]. Two volumes, thick octavo, contemporary half calf over pebbled cloth, spines in compartments with raised bands, decorated in gilt, contrasting Morocco title labels with gilt lettering,, edges speckled red, marbled endpapers, pp. xcvi; 808; 968, numerous fine steel engravings, folding map, a fine set. Binder’s stamp of …

  • # 44576

    CRAWFORD, D. (Daniel) (1869-1926)

    Thinking black : 22 years without a break in the long grass of Central Africa.

    London : Morgan and Scott, 1913. Second edition, second impression. Thick octavo (225 x 150 mm), publisher’s black cloth decorated and lettered in gilt (very lightly marked); top edge gilt; pp. xvi+486+18; illustrated with numerous b/w photographic plates and 4 colour plates; offsetting to the endpaper maps, occasional pencil lines in margins, some pages unopened, two …

  • # 44726

    SMITH, Ian

    Pākehā Settlements in a Māori World : New Zealand Archaeology 1769–1860

    Wellington : Bridget Williams, 2019. Quarto, illustrated wrappers, pp. 328, illustrated. ‘Pākehā Settlements in a Māori World offers a vivid account of early European experience in these islands, through material evidence offered by the archaeological record. As European exploration in the 1770s gave way to sealing, whaling and timber-felling, Pākehā visitors first became sojourners in …

  • # 44852

    JONES, Phillip

    Illustrating the Antipodes. George French Angas in Australia and New Zealand 1844-1845

    Canberra : National Library of Australia, 2021. Quarto, boards in dustjacket, pp. 380. illustrated. A very good copy. George French Angas (1822-1886) spent 18 months sketching and observing in Australia and New Zealand between 1844 and 1845. It was a period of decisive and irreversible cultural change. The young Angas excelled at capturing the minute …

  • # 44847

    STEWART, Barry Deane

    Drake’s Dilemma (signed copy)

    [Bloomington, Indiana] : Trafford Publishing, 2010. Octavo, illustrated wrappers, pp. xiv; 220, illustrations. Signed by the author on the title page. ‘ Sir Francis Drake has a dilemma. He is famous and rich as a result of his plundering of Spanish treasure, the defeat of the Spanish Armada, and his historic voyage around the world …

  • # 44740

    RIVIERE, Marc Serge

    The Governors Noble Guest : Hyacinthe De Bougainville’s account of Port Jackson, 1825

    Melbourne : Miegunyah Press, 1999. Octavo, boards in dustjacket, light shelf ware, pp. xxviii; 292, a very good copy.